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財団法人深田地質研究所年報 第7号 2006

Digital measuring of 2D images using the pen tablet and the image analysis software
-an example of geological structure-
FUJII Yukiyasu
p. 1-5
Discovery of Ammonites from the Jurassic in the northern part of the Ozika Peninsula
FUKADA Atsuo, TAKIZAWA Fuminori and SAKURAI Kuniyuki
p. 7-28
Early Cretaceous dinosaur tracksites newly found in Peru
小畠郁生・五味 篤・ファン‐カルロス‐コリャンテス・ロドルフォ‐サラス・藤井 昇・加藤信一・松川正樹
OBATA Ikuwo, GOMI Atsushi, Juan Carlos COLLANTES, Rodolfo SALAS Gismondi, FUJII Noboru, KATO Shinichi and MATSUKAWA Masaki
Abstract: New tracksites of the early Cretaceous dinosaurs from middle part of the Carhuaz Formation in central Peru are presented herein. This is the preliminary report. The tracksites are at two points (A and B) along the Antamina Road opened in 2001 near the Huanzala Mine, Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd. The A point is represented by a trackway of large tridactyl natural casts, suggesting that a large theropod proceeds from the north to south, then turns to the right southeasterly (upper photo of Fig. 6; Fig. 8). The B point is stratigraphically about 150 m lower than the point A, and is represented by trackways consisting of large and small moulds on ripple marks. The footprints form a procession in southeast and northwest directions (lower photo of Fig. 6; Fig. 7; Fig. 9). The possibility of underprints for B point cannot be denied, because of unclear outline of mould. The final identification of the ichnotaxa and the calculation of a walking speed will be done in near future. We could only estimate a hip height of ca. 3 m and a body length of ca. 10 m, based on the size of footprints. The tracksites are given in the map of the fossil localities (Fig. 1), the geological map (Fig. 2) and the synthesized colwnnar section (Fig. 4). The geological age of the new tracksites are regarded as being in the range of Valanginian through Hauterivian to Barremian, based on the ammonoid biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy.
p. 29-43
国分寺崖線の地形と地質 その3
Geomorphology and Geology in Kokubunji-gaisen, No.3
– Tsutsujigaoka 2, Tyoufu City- Seijoh 1, Setagaya-Ku section –
藤江 力
FUJIE Tsutomu
p. 45-58
東京都東西方向地質断面図の作成 その6
Geologic profile in E-W direction of the Musashino Plain, Tokyo City – No.6
– Modeling of Geologic Profile along The Tokyo Subway Tohzai Line, Nanboku Line and No.13 Line –
藤江 力・小林英一・堀口隆士・野焼計史
FUJIE Tsutomu, KOBAYASHI Eiichi, HORIGUCHI Takahito, NOYAKE Kazufumi
キーワード: 地下地質断面図モデル,東西線・南北線・13号線,東京,地質.
p. 59-88
Historical development of the zoning by ammonites and the correlation of the Japanese Jurassic
佐藤 正
SATO Tadashi
要旨:日本のジュラ系は主としてアンモナイトや二枚貝などによって西欧標準区分との対比が行われてきた.しかし,精細な分帯作業は1940年代の後半に始まり,1950年代から70年代にかけて大きく前進した.ジュラ系の中にオッペル帯が設定されたのは松本・小野(1947)による山口県下の豊浦層群が始めてで,ついで佐藤(1956)による宮城県下の志津川層群,そしてSato et al. (1963)の福井県下の手取層群(とくに九頭竜亜層群)の分帯が続いた.さらに北上地方南部のジュラ系についてはTakahashi (1969)が再検討を行って独自のアンモナイト層準を提案した.また,豊浦層群においてHirano (1971, 73a, b)が松本・小野の分帯をさらに精密にした.しかし,一般にはアンモナイトの産出は単発的で,産出層準の時代の良い指標にはなったが,次々に変化するアンモナイト群集が一続きの層序の上で認められ,それに基づいて帯を設定できるのはほぼ上述の層群に限られていた.その後1980-1987年に行われた国際地質対比計画 (International Geological Correlation Program:IGCP) 173 “環太平洋ジュラ系”,で環太平洋地域全体の化石の生存期間の総合的なとりまとめが行われ,それに伴って日本のジュラ系の帯区分も要約された (Sato and Westermann, 1991).これまでの分帯研究史とそれに従って進展した日本ジュラ系の対比の状況を要約した.
p. 89-130
Creep deformation of lamination sheeted granite
-The Case of Yoshino Granodiorite and Shodoshima Adamellite, Shodoshima, Kagawa Prefecture-
Keywords: lamination sheeting, release, creep, granite
p. 89-131
Outline of the Jin’nosuke-dani landslide on the southern slope of Mt. Hakusan;
A short report of the survey in September, 2005
KAWAMURA Kiichiro, ENDO Ryota, OGAWA Yujiro, OYAGI Norio and KITAHARA Tetsuro
Abstract: The outline of the Jin’nosuke-dani landslide on the southern slope of Mt. Hakusan is sketched. The slide body is bounded and deeply eroded on its both sides by the Jin’nosuke valley (on the eastern side) and the Betto-dani valley (on the western side); the internal structure of the slide body is clearly observable on the eroded wall of the western side.The landslide body constitues of the Cretaceous shale and sandstone beds of the Tedori group. Though transported by sliding, the constituent rocks maintain the overall structure, which enable us to observe the detailed deformational structures due to sliding.
Keywords: Lnadslide, Deformation structure, Slip-surface plane, Fracture, Topography
p. 141-145
Structure of the Hitotsuminesawa landslide caused by the 2004 Niigataken-Chuetsu earthquake
大八木規夫・内山庄一郎・井口 隆・藤田勝代・横山俊治・上野将司・川村喜一郎・斉藤華苗
OYAGI Norio, UCHIYAMA Shoichiro, INOKUCHI Takashi, FUJITA Masayo,YOKOYAMA Shunji, UENO Syouji, KAWAMURA Kiichiro, SAITO Hanae
Abstract: Hitotsuminesawa landslide is one of many landslides caused by the 2004 Niigataken-Chuetsu earthquake which occurred on October 23, 2004. The landslide is considered as a composite landslide and consists of five domains showing different types of movement and deformation patterns. The domain Ⅰ represents deep translational rock slides, whereas the domain Ⅱ shows compound movement of shear-toppling and sinking accompanied with shallow syncline and translational movement. The domain Ⅲ is characterized by a narrow (40m) but very long (500m) pressure ridge which consists of two types of deformation, uplifting of the bedrocks of the opposite valley slope and shear-toppling of the lower part of the landslide body. The domain Ⅳ includes many small blocks which took such movement as toppling, translational and sinking adjusting the open graben structure left behind by the westward movement of the other domains, Ⅰ and Ⅱ. The domain Ⅴ is similar to the domain Ⅳ but includes tumbling movement of separated rock blocks. Those different types of movements and deformation patterns were controlled by fracture systems, joints and faults of the bedrocks of this landslide and surrounding area, which are not mapped in ordinary geological quadrangle maps, for example those of 1/50000 in scale. We suggest the importance of geological and topographical survey on fracture systems in detail for predicting landslide locations and hazards.
Keywords: Hitotsuminesawa landslide, landslide structure, composite landslide, geologic structure, Chuetsu earthquake, air-photograph interpretation
p. 147-168