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財団法人深田地質研究所年報 第9号 2008

First Geology: Invitation to GEOLOGY by Ornamental Stones in the Rikugien Garden
川村喜一郎・佐藤 正
KAWAMURA Kiichiro, SATO Tadashi


The unique activities of the Department of Geology of Kyoto University


Development History of The Tamagawa River System and a problem of Geology
藤江 力
FUJIE Tsutomu


Restoration of Late Cretaceous Stress Field at the Western Area of Okayama City by Means of Mafic-felsic Dykes and Joints in Coarse-grained Granite
FUJITA Masayo, KOMOTO Emi, YOKOYAMA Shunji, and SUZUKI Hisashi

要旨:84.0ア3.7Ma のRb-Sr年代を示す粗粒角閃石黒雲母花崗岩の中を走っている塩基性-酸性岩脈群と高角度節理群の方向を測定して,岡山市西部地域の後期白亜紀の応力場を復元した.測定された岩脈群は北北西-南南東方向の貫入面をもち,それらの岩石学的特徴は,西南日本内帯に広く分布しているシンプルトニック期にあたる第?期岩脈群(横山,1984)と晩プルトニック期にあたる第?期岩脈群(横山,1984)に対比されるふたつの異なった活動時期の岩脈群が存在することを示している.第?期岩脈群に属するフェルサイト岩脈のK-Ar年代値は75.3ア1.7Maと75.9ア1.7Maを示している.測定された高角度節理群は北北西-南南東方向と東北東-西南西(西北西-東南東)方向の伸張割れ目群が互いに直交する節理系をつくっている.北北西-南南東節理群は,第?期岩脈群あるいは第?期岩脈群の形成と同時期の応力場の元で発生し,節理群のあるものは岩脈マグマの通路になったと考えるのが合理的である.これらの岩脈群と節理群の方向から最大水平主応力軸の方向は北北西-南南東であると推定される.東北東-西南西系節理群の形成時期を示す証拠はないが,これらの節理群の発生は東北東-西南西方向の最大水平主応力軸のもとで後プルトニック期にあたる第?期岩脈群(横山,1984)の活動時期と同時であったかもしれない.
Abstract: Late Cretaceous stress field of the western area of Okayama City was restored by measurement of directions of mafic – felsic dykes and high angle joints running in coarse-grained hornblende biotite granite of Rb-Sr ages of 84.0ア3.7Ma. The measured high angle joints form an orthogonal pair of joint sets composed of NNW-SSE trending and ENE-WSW (or WNW-ESE) trending extension fractures. The measured dykes have intrusion planes of NNW-SSE trending, and their petrologic features indicate that there are dykes of two different stages which are correlated with syn-plutonic dykes of the third generation and late plutonic dykes of the fourth generation regionally distributed in the inner zone of Southwest Japan (Yokoyama,1984). K-Ar ages of a felsite dyke correlated with dykes of the fourth generation show 75.3ア1.7Ma and 75.9ア1.7Ma. From this fact it is reasonable to consider that the NNW-SSE trending joints initiated during contemporary stress field with the dykes of the third or fourth generation and some of these joints placed at an intrusive passage of dyke magma. From the trends of these joints and dykes, it is inferred that the orientation of the horizontal maximum principal stress (?Hmax) indicates NNW-SSE direction. There is no evidence of the age of the ENE-WSW trending joints, the initiation of these joints may be contemporaneous with post plutonic dykes of the fifth generation under the stress field with the ENE-WSW ?Hmax
Keywords: stress field, horizontal maximum principal stress, dyke, joint, granite, Cretaceous, Okayama City

Synoptic list of Ammonites from the Tetori Group
佐藤 正
SATO Tadashi

Abstract: The Jurasso-Cretaceous Tetori Group is a group of geologic formations distributed widely on the Hida Plateau. Its sedimentary basins are more or less isolated from each other, so that the stratigraphical sequences are more or less individualized. Ammonites always play an important role in establishing geological ages as usual. However, those from this group are generally poorly preserved and difficult to be identified, though a number of ammonites are reported since the late 19 th century. Reports of ammonites are often only cited in the description of stratigraphy, not systematically described nor illustrated. In this paper all reported ammonites are listed and revised identifications are proposed, if possible.
Keywords: Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tetori group, Ammonites, synoptic list

A large hamulinid ammonoid from the Lower Cretaceous Arida Formation, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan
OBATA Ikuwo, MOROZUMI Yoshiro,BESSHO Takanori, and MATSUKAWA Masaki

Abstract: A large hamulinid ammonoid, Anahamulina sp. aff. subcylindrica from the Barremian Arida Formation, Japan is described and figured. Anahamulina is an important index for the Barremian biostratigraphy in Japan, along with the ammonoid genera Holcodiscus, Silesites and Heteroceras.
Keywords: Barremian, Anahamulina, heteromorph ammonoid, Yuasa-cho

Structure of Shiotani-Kitanotani landslide caused by the 2004 Niigataken-Chuetsu earthquake
大八木規夫・内山庄一郎・井口 隆
OYAGI Norio, UCHIYAMA Shoichiro, and INOKUCHI Takashi

Abstract: Shiotanigawa-Kitanotani landslide has the longest run-out distance in landslides caused by the 2004 Niigataken-Chuetsu earthquake. The reason for such run-out is inferred to have its high velocity. We found its important factor in concordance of landslide structure with geologic structure at the source area. Dip of layers is steep at the upper slope and rapidly changes into very gentle at the lower, which is close to a syncline axis. Another reason may be in weak consolidation of sand layers 10 to 15m below the surface, to have easy destruction of its texture by earthquake motion. We suggest the landslide body run as a type of extremely rapid debris avalanche after slipped out from the source area for about 1km and then gradually changed into debris flow. The total horizontal run-out distance reached at 1510m from the crown to the toe. It showed the minimum value of H/L(0.1007) among whole landslides caused by the earthquake. We divided the landslide area into eight and discussed in detail for each domain on structure and movement.
Keywords: Shiotanigawa-Kitanotani, Chuetsu earthquake, geologic structure, landslide structure, debris avalanche

稲田花崗岩の一軸引張割れ目の粗度計測 レーザスキャンと写真測量を用いた比較
Fracture roughness of uni-axial tensile fractures in Inada granite;a comparison between Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry
藤井幸泰・高橋 学・船戸明雄
FUJII Yukiyasu, TAKAHASHI Manabu, and FUNATO Akio


Study on rock physical interpretation of geophysical data for geotechnical applications (Part II)- Rock physics modeling of soft sedimentary rocks –
高橋 亨・田中莊一


Rock Physics Digital Library
金子 誠・高橋 亨

Abstract: Fukada Geological Institute has opened a database called as Rock Physics Digital Library (RPDL) on its website, which consists of data and information about rock physics for its study and application. Its website address is http://www.fgi.or.jp/rpdl. RPDL is composed of geophysical and geotechnical data obtained in laboratory tests and well loggings, a comprehensive list of empirical relations between various geophysical data, a guide of procedures for rock physics modeling and a literature list on rock physics and its applications. These data can be viewed on the screen and downloaded at userユs preference. The RPDL opened at present is still its beta version 1.0 for requesting userユs comments and data. It will be updated based on these userユs feedbacks in near future.
Keywords: geophysics, rock physics, database, physical properties of rocks