財団法人深田地質研究所年報 第10号 2009
要旨:新しい地球観「プレート・テクトニクス」の受け入れをめぐって,1970年代の日本の地球科学界はおおきくゆれた.英米ではその受容に2 – 3年ほどしかかからなかったが,日本では10年以上も要した.泊は,この実情を科学史の立場から解説した.地団研の影響が最大の要因,というのが泊の見解である.泊の主張は大筋では認められるが,京大地質は地団研の勢力下にあって教室全体がその受け入れを拒絶した,という記述は単純化しすぎていて,同意できない.京大地質にあって,地団研がもっとも勢力を拡大したときでも,全教官17名のうち,地団研プロパーはせいぜい5名にすぎなかった.教室内にあっては地団研のみが組織化に成功しており,反地団研はばらばらの個人に分散していた.相対的に地団研が圧倒的にまとまった勢力になっていたから,地団研の存在が目立っていたのであろう.実際には地団研の動きは京大地質のなかでも泊が想定したほどには強力ではなかった実情を,地団研と対立していた立場から述べる.
p. 1-12
Abstract: I report briefly a geological field trip in England and Wales from 30 October to 2 November 2009. This field trip has done after a conference “Gravitational Collapse at Continental Margins” at the Burlington House of The Geological Society, London. I introduce four sites visited during this trip as follows; 1) Hartland Quay – Bude, 2) Wiseman’s Bridge, 3) Aberystwyth, 4) Anglesey. Nice chevron folds of Carboniferous beds were observed in 1). Cleavage duplex structures were observed in 2). Layered Silurian turbidite sandstones were observed in 3). Nice melange fabrics were seen in 4).
Keywords: Hartland Quay, Bude, Wisemanユs Bridge, Aberystwyth, Anglesey
p. 13-16
要旨:International Symposium on Conservation of Ancient Sites 2008(ISCAS2008)が,ISRM,CSRME,敦煌研究院,蘭州大学の共同主宰で,9月22~24日に敦煌で開催された.遺跡の修復保存に関する,考古学と岩石力学分野の合同学会である.ここでUNESCO Projectの一つである,タジキスタン共和国アジナ・テパ仏教遺跡修復に関する発表を行った.また敦煌・莫高窟の視察,学会後のトルファン・ウルムチ周辺の巡検に参加し,周辺の遺跡や地質をみてまわり,社会的および学術的に貴重な見聞を得たのでここに記録として報告する.
Abstract: ISCAS2008, which was a conference related to the conservation and preservation of archaeological heritage, was held in Dunhuang China, September 22-24, 2008. It was a joint symposium between archaeology and rock mechanics, sponsored by International Society for Rock Mechanics, Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Dunhuang Academy, and Lanzhou University. This is a report on the symposium, in which the author gave a presentation of the preservation of Buddhist monastery of Ajina Tepa, Tajikistan in UNESCO Project, and field excursion to Mogao Grottoes, Turpan , and Ulumuti during and after the symposium.
Keywords: Conservation, Rock mechanics
Abstract: Mukuchi-jima Island, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, consists of hornblendeミbiotite-granite belonging to the Younger Ryoke Granite. This granite is characterized by weak foliation and xenoliths of the Ryoke metamorphic rock. Lamination sheeting and core-stones are well exposed at the coastal outcrops of granite. Elephant Rock is a huge core-stone which is stripped off the surrounding lamination sheeting. The nose and ears of Elephant Rock are formed by tafoni. Usually, Elephant Rock seen from the north side is well known. In this paper, we observe it from various angles, and draw out a new fascination there. We introduce not only the geological features of Elephant Rock, but also its history in ancient documents and drawings of the Ikeda Family Collection.
Keywords: Elephant Rock, lamination sheeting, tafoni, Mukuchi-jima Island, the Ikeda Fam
Abstract: Crioceras ishiwarai Yabe and Shimizu, 1926 was described originally as Crioceratites (C.) ishiwarai (Yabe and Shimizu, 1926) because the genus Crioceras dユOrbigny 1842 has been regarded as a junior synonym of Crioceratites L思eill・(1837) (Wright, 1957; Wright et al., 1996).
Keywords: Hauterivian, ammonoid, Crioceratites, Oshima Formation, Japan
要旨:2004年新潟県中越地震によって発生した広義の地すべりのうち,表層すべりについて,4つの小流域において空中写真により判読可能なすべての表層すべりの地形的特徴を定性的に調べ,また,そのジオメトリーを定量的に解析した.この地震による表層すべりの特徴は次のように要約できる.冠頂が尾根線かこれに最も近い遷急線に位置するものが多い.隣り合う表層すべりの発生域が冠頂または上部で区切りなしに接するものが多いために,面的に非常に大きなものに見える.尾根線を含んで両側の斜面が鶴の頭状に滑落したものがあり,また,尾根線付近の緩斜面が滑落した場合も認められる.さらに,発生域は横断形凸型斜面に最も多く,平板状,凹状がこれに次ぐ.発生域傾斜は40。~45。に最大頻度があり降雨の場合よりやや急である.移動体土砂は斜面の途中で停止堆積したものが多いため,奥行比変動量は2以下が多く,ほとんど3以下に収まっている.なお,尾根付近の緩斜面における表層土層が変動するためには0.5 g 以上の限界加速度が必要である.
Abstract: Surficial slides (slides of surface soil layers covering bedrock surface) caused by the 2004 Niigataken-Chuetsu earthquake) in four small river reaches has been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using aerial-photographs. The crowns of those slides are located near the crest line of ridges or the uppermost breaks of slopes. Those crowns or upper parts of source areas are often continuous with the nearest slides and look like very large landslides. Some of small ridges are lost their surface soil layers by those slides on both sides of them as if smooth craneユs heads. Some of soil layers on very gentle slopes near crests of ridges are also slipped down or moved slightly causing cracks parallel to the crest direction. The largest frequency of slope form depending on contour lines at source areas is on convex type of slopes and then followed by flat and concave types. Those of slope angle in source areas is between 40。 to 45。 and steeper than those of rain-induced surficial slides. The ratio of moving length (RML) is below 2 or 3, as the most of moving bodies from the source areas being deposited on slopes and less of them reached to the valley floors. Critical acceleration for surficial slides on a gentle slope near a crest is estimated more than 0.5 g.
Keywords: Niigataken-Chuetsu earthquake, surficial slides, slope form, dip of source areas, ratio of moving length (RML), critical acceleration
Abstract: Shear loading tests on gouge layers and experiments using photo-elastic materials have revealed the detailed processes how the gouge layers finally reach the failure under shear loading. The internal structure of the gouge layers is not homogeneous and only a portion of gouges contribute to sustain the external forces by forming columnar structure (stress chains). Under the vertical force only, vertical columns are created. After the application of shear forces, new columnar structures with very low angle are produced which gradually replace the initial vertical structure. Further additional shear forces make the columns rotate and produce a large amount of horizontal and vertical displacements. This makes the gouge layer look like dilating. The rotation radius is determined by the thickness and the diameter distribution of the gouge layer and the strength of the layer depends on the rotation radius: the shorter the radius is, the stronger the layer is. At the final stage of shear loading, the forces added to the layer seems to be uniformly distributed. These observations will be useful for predicting slips on the faults.
Keywords: gouge layer, shear force, stress chain, dilatancy, prediction of slips
Abstract: To study applicability of rock physics models to soft soils, the existing rock physics models are applied to saturated and unsaturated soft soils for soil classification. For unsaturated soft soils in river embankment, the unconsolidated sand model is applied to S-wave velocity and porosity data. The porosity is converted to resistivity for making an S-wave velocity ミ Resistivity diagram, which proves that it can be used for soil classification of soft soils. For saturated soft soils, the unconsolidated sand model and the binary sand/shale mixture model are applied to S- and P-wave velocity and porosity data. This application shows that the binary sand/shale mixture model can be used for soils composed of sands and clays, but not for gravels. The diagram of velocity and resistivity converted from porosity with the Archieユs law shows its applicability for soil classification of soft soils as the case of unsaturated soft soils.
Keywords: rock physics, geophysics, soft soils, rock physics model
Abstract: In general, the construction cost of underground structures is more expensive than that constructed on the ground if they have same functions. In spite of this fact, the underground caverns for energy storage facilities, powerhouse and others have been constructed, because they may have advantages in total cost of long term maintenance and operation. However, today, rational design, construction and maintenance are common requirements for all structures, so the preliminary measures based on the theoretical, not vague, discussions about how to maintain the initial functions and performance which may change in time, are also required for underground structures. In this paper, based on the concept of life cycle cost, the present situation in the evaluation of performance and cost of underground structures is summarized and problems are discussed.
Keywords: underground structure, performance evaluation, life cycle cost