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公益財団法人深田地質研究所 第20号 2019

Molluscan fossil assemblages in Kanda River in Nishiwaseda, Tokyo
小林英一・堀口隆士・薬師大五郎・藤江 力・佐々木猛智
KOBAYASHI Eiichi, HORIGUCHI Takahito, YAKUSHI Daigorou, FUJIE Tsutomu and SASAKI Takenori
Abstract: In 1996 Dr. Atsuo Fukada, a founder of Fukada Geological Institute, lectured about “Ground of Tokyo” at Myojo Gakuen High School. After the lecture, we started studying the strata and geology of Tokyo. The results have been reported in the Annual Report of Fukada Geological Institute since its first publication in 2000, and we performed geological excursion and observing tour together. This is a report on field observations of fossil localities and taxonomic identification of representative species of molluscan fossil assemblages in Kanda River in Nishiwaseda area in Tokyo.
Keywords: Mizuhopecten tokyoensis, Anadara granosa, fossil occurrence, paleoenvironment
Evaluation of Q value of a rock specimen in laboratory
FUNATO Akio and HOSODA Kohichi
要旨:重要構造物の耐震設計には地盤の減衰特性を表すQ値が必要である.岩石のQ値を室内で測定する方法として様々な方法が適用されているが,標準的な方法はまだ確立されていない.そこで岩石のQ値を測定するための様々な測定法を試みるとともに,含水がQ値に及ぼす影響を把握するための測定を行った.φ50×h300 mmの岩石及びモルタル供試体を用いて風乾~水浸~風乾~炉乾と含水状態を変化させながら共振法と減衰法によるQ値の測定を行った結果,いずれの試料も風乾状態から水浸させるとQ値が大きく低下し,その後の風乾過程でQ値が徐々に大きくなっていくことが確認された.Q値と含水状態のこのような関係は既往の実験結果とも整合的であり,共振法と減衰法によって得られたQ値は互いにほぼ等しかった.φ50×h100 mmの花崗岩供試体を用いて実施したスペクトル比法とライズタイム法によるQ値は他の方法による値との差が大きく,用いるセンサの種類や特性,供試体との接着方法,含水の影響の検討など今後に残された課題は少なくない.また,繰返し変形試験による方法は,試験自体が容易ではなく,Q値測定法としてはあまり実用的とは言えない.
Abstract: Q value expressing attenuation characteristics of rocks is necessary for the design of earthquake‐resistant structure. Various methods have been applied to evaluate Q value of rocks in laboratory, but the standard method has not been yet established. Therefore, we tried resonance and damping methods to measure Q value of φ50*h300mm rock specimens, and to evaluate the influence of water content to Q value. As a result, it was confirmed that Q value drastically decreased by water immersion and gradually increased in the following air-dried condition. Such relation between Q value and the water content is consistent with existing experimental results, and Q values obtained by both resonance and damping methods are consistent each other.
Spectrum ratio method and rise time method and cyclic deformation testing were adopted using φ50*h100mm granite specimen. Q value by spectrum ratio method and rise time method were different from the value by other methods. It was found that there are a lot of problems left for in both methods and cyclic deformation testing is not easy and not practical for Q value.
Key words: resonance , damping , spectrum ratio, water content, attenuation characteristic
Verification of debris flow warning zone designated by Hiroshima Prefecture
at residential district developed in piedmont region
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to verify the validity in debris flow warning zone designated by Hiroshima Prefecture, compared with flow paths of mountain tsunamis (debris flows) which befell residential district. Natural mountain tsunamis (debris flows) are blocked the way by houses, and mightily flow down on asphalt paved roads. However Hiroshima Prefecture is using a debris flow model that excludes the distribution of houses and the placement of roads in consideration for analysis. The debris flow warning zone instituted under this model becomes wider downward, and then covers most ranges of residential district. As the result, even though safety areas still remain in the debris flow warning zone, people who tried to escape toward a shelter out of the residential district were affected on the roads.
Keywords: residential district developed in piedmont region, debris flow, mountain tsunami, debris flow warning zone designated by Hiroshima Prefecture, verification
p. 25-33
Issues with the terrain of the Musashino upland
Abstract: The following points have been discussed regarding the Musashino upland. (1) Formation of large cliff terraces like the Kokubunji cliff line and Fuchu cliff line, is related to the Tama River flowing to the north of the Musashino upland when the sea level had significantly fallen heading towards the ice age. (2) There are areas in Akabane upland where the Musashino gravel bed is situated below the Hongo sand bed. The ground water that flowed through the gravel bed created a large amount of spring water on the eastern side, forming an eastward-facing valley due to valley head erosion, and creating a significant difference in the topography of the sea cliffs on the northern side and the sea cliffs on the eastern side of Akabane upland. (3) The hillock shape below the cliffs at the north-eastern corner of Akabane upland is thought to be an ancient tomb. (4) A soft clay layer, thought to be valley-filling sediment of the Shimosueyoshi formation, was distributed around the Todoroki ravine, and caused river capture. (5) The river capture of the Shakuji River is not artificial. (6) The channel of the Tsurumaki River once joined the Yabata River, then it may have subsequently changed to its current channel. (7) In the middle reaches of the Kanda River the channel changed to a northerly direction due to the loose northward strata during downward erosion, causing formation of an asymmetrical valley. (8) Soft ground may be distributed to shallow valleys on the upland, so caution is essential.
Keywords: Kokubunji cliff line, Akabane upland, river capture, asymmetrical valley, ground property
p. 35-43
Active fault investigation by trace methane gas measurement in the atmosphere using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
下茂道人・丹羽正和・天野健治・徳永朋祥・戸野倉賢一・松岡俊文・セバスチャン ビロード
SHIMO Michito, NIWA Masakazu, AMANO Kenji, TOKUNAGA Tomochika, TONKURA Kenichi, MATSUOKA Toshifumi and BIRAUD Sébastien
要旨:断層や破砕帯は,しばしば地下深部起源のガスが地表に達する移動経路となることから,地表における微量なガス徴をとらえることにより,断層の分布や活動性に関する有用な情報が得られる場合があると期待される.近年,ガス分析技術の革新的な進展は目覚ましく,キャビティーリングダウン分光法(以下,CRDS法)を用いたメタンガス分析装置は,数ppbの計測分解能で0~5000 ppmというダイナミックレンジと1秒以下の時間分解能を達成している.本研究では,CRDS法による活断層調査への適用性について検討するため,岐阜県東部の阿寺断層を対象とした大気中の極微量メタンガス濃度測定を実施した.
Abstract: Faults and associated fracture zones often provide pathways for the migration of gases, such as methane, hydrogen, and helium, formed in the deep subsurface formations. It is expected that information on fault location and fault activity may be obtained by measuring trace gas concentration at the ground surface.
Development of atmospheric trace gas measurement technology using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) enabled us to measure methane gas concentration with an accuracy and precision of a few ppb and a dynamic range of 0 to 5000 ppm.
To investigate the applicability of this technology to an active fault survey, we conducted field measurements of methane gas concentration using two portable CRDS gas analyzers (Manufacturer: Picarro Inc, models G4301 and G4302) at the Atera fault area in Gifu prefecture.
Keywords: methane, active fault, Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, gas migration, exploration, concentration measurement
p. 45- 54
Landslides caused by the 2018 Hokkaido Iburi-tobu earthquake
– Shallow slides of tephra deposits and deep-sheeted bedrock slides –
大八木規夫・佐藤 浩・池田 宏
OYAGI Norio and SATO Hiroshi P., and IKEDA Hiroshi
要旨:平成30(2018)年北海道胆振東部地震(M 6.7)によって東西26 km,南北34 kmの範囲に崩壊・地すべりが発生した.それらは大きく2種類に区分できる.第1は斜面を覆う後期更新世・完新世のテフラ堆積層が崩壊したもので,数千箇所に及ぶ.その代表例は,最大の被害を受けた厚真町吉野地区である.この場所は河川による過去の攻撃斜面であり,集落がその急傾斜面直下の崖錐あるいはごく初期的な沖積錐上に立地していた.急斜面に堆積していた9kaの樽前山降下軽石堆積物と上位の構成物が地震によって滑落し,集落を埋没させた.第2は中新世の堆積岩に発生した地すべりで,その数200箇所を越える.そのうちの最大は地すべりダムを形成した.これは大規模なスプレッドタイプの地すべり変動を示した.過去にもスプレッドタイプの地すべりは地震によって発生した場合がほとんどであり,それゆえ,それらは過去の地震の記録体とみなされる.
Abstract: The 2018 Hokkaido Iburi-tobu earthquake (M 6.7) caused several thousands of shallow slides and more than two hundreds of deep-sheeted landslides. The former slides were almost tephra slides, which had been deposited in the late Pleistocene and Holocene, on the slopes of hilly or the low relief mountainous areas damaged several locations, especially the residential site of Yoshino where located on debris and/or alluvial cones of the early stage, situated at the front of the undercut slopes. The biggest one of the latter landslides on the Karumai Formation of Miocene deposits showed a spread-type movement and made a landslide dam blocking the Hidakahoronai River. So many landslides of spread-type were reported as earthquake induced ones in recent and ancient times in Japanese Islands that we consider those landslides of this type to be useful for the archive bodies of the prehistoric earthquakes.
Keywords: earthquake-induced-landslide, tephra, undercut slope, housing location, spread, earthquake- archive body
p. 55-80Importance on Seal Evaluation in Petroleum Exploration (Part II) -Application to CO2-rich Field-
石油探鉱におけるシール能力評価の重要性(その2) -CO2リッチフィールドへの応用-
Abstract: Equivalent Grain Size Method was introduced as one of the tools to evaluate sealing capacity of the oil/gas traps (Nakayama, 2018). Nakayama (2018) has discussed the mechanism of oil/gas field development in which the contents (oil or gas) of trap depends on the top seal capacity assuming segregation of oil and gas has occurred inside of the trap. This paper, as following the same mechanism should occur, applies the same theory to Gas-CO2 system to find out how the CO2-rich field has developed using the field data from Gundih Gas field, Indonesia. In Gundih Gas field, the traps show high percentage of CO2, therefore such amount of CO2 has to be processed before the production starts. If we could understand the mechanism how to create a trap with high CO2 contents, and if such content shall be determined, it can help future exploration of gas fields in this area.
In the previous paper, the seal evaluation for oil-gas system was based on the fact that the fluid of oil-gas was segregated according to each density within the trap. In this paper, we assume that the same segregation would occur for the Gas-CO2 system to discuss the difference of CO2 contents for 3 structural traps in Gundih Gas Field. As a conclusion, CO2 content would be determined according to the relation between the top seal capacity and the level of spill-point. Also the distribution of gas-rich and CO2–rich fields from Sarawak, Malaysia, is introduced where the difference is explained by the sealing mechanism of same assumption of Gas-CO2 segregation.
Key words: Top Seal, Spill-point, Equivalent Grain-size Method, accumulation by density segregation, CO2-rich field, Gundih Field
要旨:油・ガスの集積に対するシール能力評価法として,昨年本年報にて等価粒径の原理を紹介した(中山, 2018).そこでは,通常の油田でみられる石油-ガス系を前提として,トップシール能力によって集積される流体の種類が決定される,すなわち結果として油田とガス田が形成されるメカニズムを検討した.本稿においては,同じメカニズムを天然ガス-二酸化炭素(CO2)系に応用し,結果としてCO2リッチのガス田が形成される条件をインドネシア国Gundihガス田における実例を引いて検討する.Gundihガス田はCO2含有率が高く,その生産にはCO2の処理も考慮しなければならない.このガス田の形成メカニズムを解明することができれば,掘削前にCO2含有量をある程度予測することができ,今後近隣での探鉱に役立つかもしれない.
p. 81-87
Some Issues on the Performance Evaluation of Tunnel and Underground Cavern
– Estimation of In-situ Stress and its Application –
キーワード:原位置応力,岩盤応力測定,ISRM 指針,高レベル放射性廃棄物処分施設
Abstract: In the performance evaluation of deep and large scaled underground structures such as high-level radioactive waste disposal depositories, estimates of in-situ stress is very important as well as the mechanical characteristics of rock mass. In-situ stress measurements such as hydraulic fracturing method, stress relief method and AE (acoustic emission) method, are often conducted to provide estimates of in-situ stress. However, it is reported that measurement results by these methods differ from each other because of heterogeneity of rock mass. This will cause in-situ stress evaluation difficult. Here, how to apply new in-situ stress estimation method (see 2017’ annual report) based on the inverse analysis of measured displacement during circuit tunnel excavation into the conventional in-situ stress estimation process is discussed.
Keywords: in-situ stress, rock stress measurement, ISRM Suggested Method, Radioactive waste depository
p. 89-104
ー 歴史的大発見:東北沖太平洋超深海底の爆裂火口(マール) ー
Quick report of the R/V Shinsei-maru KS-18-9 dredge cruise on petit-spot volcanoes
– Historical great discovery : explosion crater (Maar) in the Pacific abyssal plane, off Tohoku –
石井輝秋・金子 誠・平野直人・町田嗣樹・松本亜沙子・秋澤紀克・佐藤勇輝・油谷 拓・浅見慶志朗・桂木悠希・坂井俊太・中野幸彦・松崎琢也
ISHII Teruaki, KANEKO Makoto, HIRANO Naoto, MACHIDA Shiki, MATSUMOTO Asako, AKIZAWA Norikatsu, SATO Yuki, YUTANI Taku, AZAMI Keishiro, KATSURAGI Yuki, SAKAI Shunta, NAKANO Yukihiko, MATSUZAKI Takuya
要旨:東北海洋生態系調査研究船「新青丸」KS-18-9航海(Kenkyusen-Shinsei-maru 2018年第09次航海)は2018年8月2日(木)宮城県石巻港出港-8月11日(土)石巻港入港の10日間に,東北沖東へ約350kmの海域で行われ,乗船研究者は主席研究員平野直人(東北大学)以下計12名である.東京大学大気海洋研究所,平成30年度「新青丸」共同利用に採択された研究課題名は「プチスポット火山活動分布が示すプレート変形構造」である.厚さ約70kmの太平洋プレート直下のアスノスフェア由来のプチスポット火山岩の採取,産状調査を主目的とする研究航海である.台風13号を回避するため観測時間が大幅に削減されたが,東北の福島沖太平洋プレートのアウターライズ頂部で5回のドレッジにより海底試料採集が行われ,カメラ付きドレッジも試みられた.更に夜間には,「新青丸」の深海用マルチビ-ム音響測深機による海底地形・反射強度調査や,三成分磁力計,船上重力計等による地球物理調査が行われた.航海の成果は以下の通りである.①アスノスフェア由来で,噴出年代はほぼ現在と判断できる複数個所での,プチスポット溶岩試料の採取,②プチスポット火山活動に伴う熱水起源鉄マンガンクラストの初めての採取,③超深海水深約5500mでの爆裂火口(マール)を持つプチスポット火山の発見.
Abstract: The R/V (Research Vessel) Shinsei Maru Cruise KS-18-19 was performed during 10 days from Thursday, August 2, 2018 (Ishinomaki, Miyagi) to , Saturday, August 11, 2018 (Ishinomaki, Miyagi) in the off Tohoku area about 350km east, and was conducted by the chief scientist: Dr. Naoto Hirano (Tohoku University) together with total 12 onboard scientists. The research title is “Distribution of petit-spot submarine volcanoes along the deformation of tectonic plate” which was selected by the Cooperative Research System of the R/V Shinsei Maru, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute (AORI), The University of Tokyo. The main research objectives are recovering the igneous rocks from “petit-spot” volcano, of which magmas originate from the asthenosphere (ductile part of the mantle) immediately below the Pacific Plate with about 70km thick. Research days became less than half, because of escaping from the Typhoon 13, 2018, only 5 times (one with deep sea camera) of dredge hauls were performed to recover igneous rocks, at atop the outer-rise of the Pacific Plate, off Fukushima, NE Japan. Onboard as well as on- and sub-bottom geological and geophysical several observations (ADCP, SBP, MBES, etc.) were also successfully done during the Cruise. Research summaries are shown in the followings:①recovering the very young igneous rocks from three “petit-spot” volcanoes, originate from the asthenosphere, ②recovering ferromanganese crust related with hydrothermal activity of “petit-spot” volcanoes, ③discovery of the “petit-spot” volcano with explosion crater (=maar) in the ocean floor about 5500m deep.
Keywords: R/V Shinsei Maru, “petit-spot” volcano, “petit-spot” magma originate from the asthenosphere, outer-rise off Tohoku, explosion crater (=maar) in the deep ocean floor, ferromanganese crust related “petit-spot” volcanoes
p. 105-128
A Study on Interpretation of Ground Penetrating Radar by Deep Learning
磯 真一郎 深田地質研究所
ISO Shinichiro
Abstract: The experts analyze and interpret GPR (Ground Penetrating Rader) data to identify the buried objects and sub-surface structure, basing the characteristic difference in reflected wave shape caused by the relative permittivity of the underground. Progress of acquisition system technology and an increase of the infrastructure to be maintained have made a remarkable massive amount of acquired GPR data these years, and they have been accumulated. There is a strong demand to save labor efforts and increase the efficiency of analysis and interpretation. This decade, the ability of image object recognition has dramatically improved by Deep Learning technology, which is one of the Machine Learning algorithms. AlexNet, one of Deep Learning models, demonstrated the superiority of Deep Learning and CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) comparing to the conventional Machine Learning algorithms. AlexNet equipped CNNs to imitate the real-living visual cortex and was open to dramatically improving Deep Learning accuracy. The author developed the Deep Learning system, which bases the AlexNet model architecture, to identify the hyperbolic reflection detection on the GPR images. This system gave fairly good performance scores, the F score was 0.9819, and the accuracy was 0.9875 to classify the hyperbolic reflections. With this system, the author also visualized the location of the hyperbolic reflections on the pseudo-3D image, which is supposed to be helpful in identifying the possible buried objects efficiently. This report mainly bases on the author’s two works in 2019 (Iso et al., 2019; Iso, 2019).
Keywords GPR,Deep Learning, Object recognition, Convolution neural network, AlexNet
要旨:地中レーダの解析は,地下構造の比誘電率の違いによる生じる特徴的な反射波の形状に対して,熟練技術者が目視により走時断面画像上で解釈することで行われている。近年,データ取得システムの技術の発達と、保守の必要なインフラが増加にともない、解釈すべき大量の地中レーダデータが著しく増大している。このため,その解釈の自動化,省力化が期待されている。機械学習の一つである深層学習(ディープラーニング)による物体認識能力は近年大幅に向上し,多くの学習モデル・アーキテクチャが提唱され研究が進んでいる。とくに,AlexNetは生体の視覚野を模した畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN: Convolution Neural Network)などの手法を用い,深層学習精度向上の端緒を開き、深層学習の優位性を示した学習モデルである。本報告では,著者がAlexNetに基づき開発した地中レーダデータでの双曲線反射面を判別するシステムにより、双曲線状の反射をF値で0.9819,精度で0.9875と,良い結果を得たことを示した。さらに,地中埋設物による双曲線状反射の検出を多チャンネルの現場データに適用し、擬似3次元的にその存在を示した。この報告は、主に著者の2019年の2つの論文に基づいている(磯ほか 2019; 磯 2019)。
p. 129-138