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公益財団法人深田地質研究所 第18号 2017

Trans-scientific issues in the Earth sciences
Abstract: The concept of “Trans-Science”, which was proposed by A. M. Weinberg in 1972, is “the questions which can be asked of science and yet which cannot be answered by science”. Weinberg showed some examples such as the safety problem of reactors. I will here try to apply the “Trans-Science” to some issues in the Earth sciences. The problems of earthquake prediction, environmental issues such as warming of the Earth and site selection of nuclear reactors would be involved in this concept. In order to solve these problems, dialogic communication between experts and public must be required.
p. 1-8
Legends of Quick Action Heroes who rescued many peoples at the times of Occurrences of large Earthquakes, Tsunamis, or Volcanic Eruptions
TSUJI Yoshinobu
要旨:歴史地震や津波,火山噴火を記述した古文書ののなかには,ときどき大きな自然災害が生じたときに,機敏な行動をとって大勢の人々の命を救った英雄たちの話に出会うことがある.かれらには防災マニュアルがあったわけでもなく,時にはその種類の災害についての知識すらほとんど持っていなかった場合すらある.たとえば,1855年11月11日の深夜に起きた安政江戸地震の際には,江戸(東京)市中で全部で一万人以上の死者が出たが,このとき19歳の南町奉行所の与力であった佐久間長敬は,手勢の者たちとともににぎりめしを作り,次の日の朝までに被災市民に配った.さらに 床面積3,300平方メートルのお救い小屋を5ヶ所に建設した.本稿にはこのような機敏の英雄たちの話を9つ集めた.
Abstract: In old documents mentioning the historical earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions on the Japanese islands, we sometimes found out legends of quick action heroes who rescued many peoples at the times of occurrences of large earthquakes, tsunamis, or volcanic eruptions. They had not a manual book of disaster prevention, and sometimes they even had no knowledges on that kind of the natural hazard which he encountered. For example, in the time of the Ansei Edo Earthquake of midnight of November,11 1855, whose total number of the casualties in Edo (Tokyo) City zone, was estimated at more than ten thousands, a 19 year officer in Minamimachi-Bugyo Sho (the South City Bureau) called Sakuma Osahiro with younger assistants prepared rice balls and distributed them to suffering citizens by the morning of the next day. He also constructed five temporary rescue halls each of which has the floor area of 3,300 square meters up to the evening of three days after the occurrence of the earthquake. In he present pater such quick action heroes for nine cases are discussed.
Keywords: quick action heroes in historical naturaldisasters, The Ansei Edo earthquake of November 11th, 1855, The Ansei Tokai earthquake-tsunami of December 23rd, 1854, The Ansei Nankai earthquake-tsunami of December 24th, 1854, The tsunami of the 1856 Kita Sanriku earthquake, The 1707 Hoei volcanic eruption of Mt. Fuji, The 2004 lndian Ocean tsunami, sustainability of safety in natural hazards
p. 9-28
Evolution of dredge system from low to high technological equipment
–Improvement of dredge system toward advanced material science on bedrocks–
ISHII Teruaki
Abstract: It is very important to recover fresh igneous rocks from ocean floor to investigate bedrocks on the basis of the material scientific aspects. Dredge haul methods being a simple and easy way with low costs, have been widely used for recovering the bedrocks. The author has been working on the dredge hauls during about 40 years on the several Japanese and American Research Vessels (R/Vs), that is, R/V Tansei Maru, R/V Hakuho Maru, R/V Yokosuka, and R/V Kairei as well as R/V Atlantis-II, R/V Melville (2 times), R/V Moana Wave, and R/V Thomas Thompson, respectively. He has been proposing the ORI-TI type dredge system, which has been improved and still improving on the basis of the better ideas gathered from the above mentioned all cruises. This report includes the followings, that is, improving processes and ideas on the dredge system, the unique experiences in the US Research Vessels, and some comments on the recovered samples. The dredge systems in the US Research Vessels have been continuing the conventional and basic technical methods. On the other hand, Japanese young and core scientists have been recently improving the dredge systems with active introduction of high technique, for example, transponder system and/or deep sea camera system. Very reliable big currents have been flowing in the ocean bedrock science.
Keywords: dredge system, abyssal bedrocks, ORI-TI type dredge, white chimney, improved dredge
p. 29-48
Geological and Geomorphological background of July 2014 Nagiso debris flow in Nagano prefecture, central Japan
FUJII Yukiyasu
要旨:台風8号にともなう集中豪雨により,2014年7月9日,長野県木曽郡南木曽町で土石流が発生し,梨子沢流域ではJR中央本線や国道19号と多数の人家が被災した.該当地域は土石流による災害を歴史的に被ってきた場所である.梨子沢は南木曽岳の西斜面を流れて木曽川へ流れ込む.南木曽岳山頂は標高1679 mあり,周辺は断層で囲まれている.馬籠峠断層は南木曽岳の北西側麓に存在し,走向はN 40°Eで右ズレを示す.梨子沢はこの断層によって数十mの変位を被っている.一方の伊勢小屋沢は伊勢岳の東斜面を流れて木曽川へ流れ込む.伊勢岳山頂は標高1373 mである.梨子沢と伊勢小屋沢沿いの地形断面図を作成すると,どちらの断面図にも標高800 m付近に線緩点が存在する.これより上流域では主に花崗岩が分布し,下流域では土石流堆積物が分布する.ところで,肉眼スケールでズレが確認できない開口している割れ目が節理であり,これは梨子沢及び伊勢小屋沢沿いの花崗岩中に観察することが出来る.節理群とは平行な節理の集まりで構成される.花崗岩中には三つの節理群から構成される節理系が発達する.このうち二つの節理群は急傾斜の鉛直方向を示す.そして最後の一つはこれら二つに直交してほぼ水平方向を示す.梨子沢の水平な節理群は緩やかに西へ傾いている.一方,伊勢小屋沢の水平な節理群は緩やかに東に傾いている.これらの水平な節理群はシーティング節理と考えられ,山地斜面の形成に関連して発生したものと考えられる.さらに節理系は巨礫の形成に関与しており,巨礫は土石流で運搬されたと考えられる.これら特徴は花崗岩地形に特徴的にみられるものと思われる.
Abstract: Intensive rainfall promoted by Typhoon Neoguri induced slope failure and debris flow at Nagiso, Nagano Prefecture on July 9 2014. On the Nashizawa River, debris flow caused heavy damage on residential houses, railway tracks and national rout 19. Historically, a large set of disasters caused by debris flow has been recorded in this area. The Nashizawa River flows on the western side of Mount Nagiso and flows into the Kiso River. The mountain with the peak of 1679 m is surrounded by many faults. Magome-Toge fault is located in the northwestern foot of the mountain. The fault strikes N 40° E, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip. The fault also causes a displacement of several tens of meters in the river. The Isegoya River flows on the eastern foot of Mount Ise and flows into the Kiso River. The mountain with the peak of 1373 m. Geomorphological sections along the Nashizawa and the Isegoya River show concave knick points around the altitude of 800 meters. In the upper area of the points, Cretaceous granite is mainly observed along the rivers. While the debris flow deposits are mainly observed in the lower area of the points. Joints, which are meso-scale opening fractures and in which offset cannot be recognized, are observed in the Cretaceous granite along the Nashizawa River and the Isegoya River. Joint system has 3 joint groups. Each joint group is composed of parallel joints. And two of the groups are vertical. The other group is perpendicular to them and almost parallel to horizontal plane. The horizontal joint group on the Nashizawa River calmly inclines to the west, while the joint group on the Isegoya River inclines to the east direction. Those horizontal joint groups might be sheeting joints which are generated by the formation of mountain slopes. In addition, the joint system might contribute to the genesis of granitic boulders which were transported by debris flow. It’s a character of granite landforms.
Keywords: granite, joint, sheeting, boulder, concave knick point
p. 49-58
Learning on the 2014 disaster of shallow landslides and debris flows caused by heavy rainfall
at the northwestern part of Hiroshima City
大八木規夫・金子 誠・藤井幸泰・横山俊治・内山庄一郎・鈴木比奈子・
岸本 剛・藤井美南・田島詩織
OYAGI Norio, KANEKO Makoto, FUJII Yukiyasu, YOKOYAMA Shunji, UCHIYAMA Shoichiro, SUZUKI Hinako, KISHIMOTO Tsuyoshi, FUJII Minami and TASHIMA Shiori
Abstract: We studied the 2014 landslide-debris flow disaster caused by heavy rainfall at Abusan mountain area northern part of Hiroshima city and got following results. 1) Different characteristics can be found on each landslide source area, valley floor on which moving body from the source area rushed down as a debris flow, and an alluvial cone used as a housing area was attacked by the debris flows in 2014 disaster. 2) Complex combination of these characteristics produced different damages by the landslide-debris flow disaster. The worst combination was the case of Yagi 3-chome Obarayama-kawa area, half of victims by the disaster counted, where five shallow (~5.5m) landslides developed to very rapid debris flows which became larger by scraping valley floor-deposits of natural deposits and artificial debris of quarries and caused big damage to the housing area near top of the alluvial cone. 3) Estimated velocity by super-elevation method on some landslide moving bodies (debris flows) was 30km/hour to 63km/hour near source areas. Although those moving bodies might be decelerated by resistance with valley floors and walls during flowing down, the time of debris flow running from the source areas to the first housing areas would be one or two minutes because of short (~1km) and steep (18°~) valley. Therefore, people living at the mouth of short and steep valley should refuge before heavy rainfall starts.
Keywords : superficial landslide, shallow landslide, debris flow, valley, alluvial cone, super-elevation
p. 59-96
Flood peak level and running-down width of debris flow along Torikoshi River,
induced by the Hiroshima heavy rainfall in 2014
横山俊治・岸本 剛・藤井美南・田島詩織
YOKOYAMA Shunji, KISHIMOTO Tsuyoshi, FUJII Minami and TASHIMA Shiori
Abstract: Flood peak level and running-down width of debris flow along Torikoshi River, induced by the Hiroshima heavy rainfall in 2014 were estimated using the impression of debris flow left on tree.The running-down debris flow forms concave upward traverse section in valley, and on alluvial fan, the main flow maintains the concave form. In the left branch of Torikoshi River, the flood peak level of debris flow shows 3.52 -12.00m in height in a range of 10-16m of running-down width, and the estimated volume of debris flow increases toward the downstream due to taking in water derived from underground water. Disintegrated granite which is fractured by lamination sheeting with low angled attitude and millimeter order in space is widely distributed in almost all the Torikoshi River area. During heavy rainfall, rain water is stored in fractures of lamination sheeting, and at a short period of time, outflows from the surface of slope. Thus in the disintegrated granite area, the horizontal flow of abundant underground water controlled by the attitude of lamination sheeting causes many slope failures and debris flows with high flood peak level.
Keywords: the Hiroshima heavy rainfall in 2014, Torikoshi River, alluvial fan, debris flow, debris flow deposit, debris deposit, sandy deposit, tree sensor, impression of debris flow, running-down width, flood peak level, disintegrated granite, hydro-geological structure, lamination sheeting
p. 97 -112
Geomorphological detecting method of landslide dams
横山俊治・村井政徳・脇田 茂
YOKOYAMA Shunji, MURAI Masanori and WAKIDA Shigeru
要旨:この研究の目的は,1/2.5万地形図を用いて,決壊しなかった地すべりダムを地形学的に検出する方法を確立することである.地すべりや崩壊による移動体が河谷を完全にせき止めたとしても,多くの場合,天然のダム堤体は間もなくして決壊し洗い流され,流路幅や河床の勾配は元に戻る.しかしながら,ダム堤体が長期間に渡って生き残っている場合には,河系の一般的な性質は改変され,局所的な特異地形として河系異常が発生するかも知れない.7事例の1/2.5万地形図読図から,流路幅異常,谷底幅異常,河床縦断形異常の河系異常が地すべりダム検出の重要な鍵となると結論した. 地すべり移動体や崩壊の岩屑が河川に定置すると,その上流には水が溜まり,流路幅が広くなる.これが地すべりダム形成による流路幅異常である.流路幅異常の典型事例はダム湖が生き残っている大沼地すべりダムと青木湖地すべりダムである.池ノ谷地すべりダムは天然ダム湖の一部が生き残っている. しかしながら,時間の経過とともに,堆積物によって埋め立てられるために,生き残っているダム湖は少数である.完全に埋め立てられたダム湖の谷底幅は下流よりも広くなっている.これが地すべりダム形成による谷底幅異常である。地形図の読図に際しては,地すべり地形の上流に発達している谷底堆積低地はしばしば谷低幅異常の証拠になる.このタイプの河系異常は大沼地すべりダムと青木湖地すべりダムを除くすべての事例で認められている. もうひとつの地すべりダムの証拠は,ダム湖面あるいはダム湖を埋めた堆積物の地表面からダム堤体を横切る排水路に移る遷急点と,排水路から下流の初生河床勾配に移る遷緩点で特徴づけられる河床縦断面図の中に見てとれる.このタイプの河系異常が生き残った地すべりダムによる河床縦断形異常である.7事例のすべてがこの河系異常を示している.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to establish a geomorphological detecting method of landslide dam using topographic map of 1:25000 in scale. Even if landslide mass and debris of slope failure completely dam up river valley, in many cases, the natural dam body is soon broken and washed out, and then the channel width and angle of valley-floor recover. However the dam body survives during a long time, the general features of fluidal system are reformed and any fluidal system anomaly being local abnormal landform may generate. From the reading of topographic map of 1:25000 in scale of 7 examples it is concluded that the fluvial system anomaly of channel width anomaly, valley-floor width anomaly and longitudinal projected profile anomaly become an important key of detection of landslide dam. When the landslide mass and debris of slope failure emplace in river valley, the upper stream from the dam body fills with water and the channel width becomes wide. This is the channel width anomaly caused by landslide-damming. Typical example of the channel width anomaly is the Onuma and the Aoki Lake landslide dams surviving the dam lake. The Ikenotani landslide dam survives the part of natural dam-lake. However the survival dam lake is a few because of filling-up by sediments with the passage of time. The valley-floor width of completely buried the dam lake becomes wider than that of the downstream. This is the valley-floor width anomaly due to landslide-damming. In reading of topographic map, depositional valley-bottom plain developed in the upper stream from landslide landform becomes often an evidence of the valley-floor width anomaly. This type of fluidal system anomaly is recognized in all examples excepting the Onuma and the Aoki Lake landslide dams. The anther evidence of landslide dam comes into view in the longitudinal projected profile, which is characterized by a convex knick point from the surface of lake or the surface of deposit buried the dam-lake to the drain across the dam body, and a concave knick point from the drain to the downstream with the initial valley floor angle. This type of fluidal system anomaly is longitudinal projected profile anomaly by the survival landslide dam. All of 7 examples show this fluidal system anomaly.
Keywords: landslide dam, dam lake, dam body, landslide landform, dammed lake deposit, depositional valley-bottom plain, Geomorphological detecting method, drift sinuosity, fluidal system anomaly, valley floor anomaly, channel width anomaly, longitudinal projected profile anomaly
p. 113-129
Study on the Law of the Distribution of Casualties for the past Earthquakes and Tsunamis
TSUJI Yoshinobu, YATA Toshifumi, SATO Takayuki, and NAKANISHI Ichiro
要旨:本研究では,まず地震による死者は,起震断層に近接した狭い地域の中で集中的に発生するという事実を明らかにした.例えば2011年の熊本地震のほとんど総ての死者は,起震断層であった布田川断層の北側3 kmの幅の範囲内で生じていた.1927年に京都府北部で起きた北丹後地震の時も,死者の分布はやはり起震断層となった峰山断層と山田断層に近接した地域に集中していた.さらに,倒壊家屋1軒当たりの死者数の分布が,断層位置を指し示すより良い指標になっていることが明らかとなった.これらの知識は,起震断層がどれかが必ずしも明らかになってはいない歴史地震に対して起震断層を特定するのに有効である.われわれは,1766年明和津軽地震起震断層が津軽山地西縁断層と青森湾西断層であることを明らかにした.また,津波の高さと死亡率の関係を,1896年の明治三陸地震津波について検証した.われわれは,最小二乗法によって,この両者の関係を表す対数正規分布関数を定めた.
Abstract: In this study, it is clarified that casualties of earthquakes were densely distributed in the narrow zone which is located close parallel to the fault. For example, almost all casualties of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake were distributed in the narrow zone with 3 kilometers width located on the north side of the Futagawa fault, the seismogenic fault of this event. In the case of the 1927 Kita-Tango earthquake, which occurred in the north part of Kyoto prefecture, casualties were densely distributed also in the zone close to the Mineyama and Yamada faults, both of which are the seismogenic faults of this earthquake. In addition that it was found out that the distribution of numbers of casualties per one destroyed houses makes a more sensitive indicator of the location of the seismogenic faults. Those facts are possible to be applied in identification of the seismogenic faults for the cases of historical earthquakes, which are not always identified it clearly. On the basis of those facts, the seismogenic faults of the Meiwa Tsugaru earthquake of 1766 are identified as the Tsugaru-Sanchi-Seien fault and the Aomori-wan Nishi fault. In the present study, we also clarified the relationship between tsunami heights and the percentage of casualties for the case of the 1896 Great Meiji Sanriku Earthquake Tsunami. We obtained the empirical formula of casualty percentage in the style of a logarithmic normal distribution as a function of tsunami inundation height by applying the method of the least mean square.
Keywords: distribution of casualties due to an earthquake-tsunami, The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, The 1927 Kita-Tango Earthquake, The 1896 Riku-u earthquake, The Meiwa Tsugaru earthquake of March 3rd, 1766, The Bunsei Echigo・Sanjo earthquake of December 18th,1822, The Ansei Iga-Ueno earthquake of July 9th,1854, The Great Kanto earthquake of September 1st, 1923, The Mikawa earthquake of January 13th, 1945, liquefaction in a back swamp, The 1896 Great Sanriku earthquake-tsunami
p. 131-154
Accuracy of Temperature estimation from resistivity data using neural network
要旨:地熱地域のおける地下の温度分布は,貯留層の特徴や地下流体の流速分布と関係しているために、地熱開発において重要な情報の1つである.近年,このような温度分布を推定する手法として,ニューラルネットワークを用いて比抵抗データから温度を推定する手法が提案され,効果を上げつつある.この手法は,比抵抗が温度に関係するパラメータであることを利用し,坑井で取得された温度データと比抵抗の関係をニューラルネットワークで学習させ,温度データの無い箇所において,比抵抗データから温度を推定する手法である.本研究では,当手法を葛根田地熱地域に適用し,手法の特徴や精度について検討した.解析の結果,比抵抗データを用いずにニューラルネットワークを用いて温度を推定した場合と比較して,1-9 %誤差が減少することが分かった.特に,教師データとして用いる温度データが少ない場合や教師データと温度を推定したい箇所の距離が離れている場合等,比抵抗を用いずにニューラルネットワークのみを用いる手法で誤差が大きくなる条件において,より小さな誤差で温度を推定できることが分かった.本解析結果は,ニューラルネットワークを用いて比抵抗データから温度分布を推定する手法の有効性を示している.
Abstract: Subsurface temperature distribution beneath a geothermal field is a vital information for geothermal development, because temperature pattern is related to reservoir characteristics and subsurface fluid velocity. To estimate subsurface temperature distribution, it has recently been proposed that neural network is used to estimate temperature distribution based on resistivity. This method is based on the fact that resistivity is sensitive to temperature. Firstly, the method constructs an optimized feedforward neural network that relates the relationships between locations, resistivity and temperature at well locations. Then, temperature data are estimated at locations without well data based on resistivity measured by Magnetotelluric method. In this study, we examined the characteristics and the accuracy of the methodology by applying it to the Kakkonda geothermal field, Japan. As a result of analysis, we showed that the error decreased by 1-9 % using the proposed method compared with the neural network approach without using resistivity data. Particularly, the error decreased, when the number of teaching data is small, and the distance of teaching data and a target site is not close. Since these conditions are not favorable conditions for neural network approach without using resistivity data, the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the neural network approach based on resistivity data.
Keyword: Geothermal development, Thermal estimation, Neural network, Resistivity, the Kakkonda geothermal field
p. 155-162
Study on rock physical interpretation of geophysical data for geotechnical applications (Part XI)
– Revisit of the relationship between seismic velocity and compressive strength of a rock-
高橋 亨
要旨:土木構造物等の設計・施工に不可欠な岩盤の圧縮強度を弾性波速度から推定することができれば、広域的な岩盤の強度モデルを効率的・経済的に構築することができ大変有効である。本研究では,一軸圧縮強度については,従来から提案されているP波速度との経験式を再整理し,実データとの比較を通じて,適用上の課題を指摘した.一方,三軸圧縮強度については,Sharma et al. (2011) が,砂や粘土にセメントをまぜた人工土試料を用いた室内三軸圧縮試験での測定結果から三軸圧縮強度と動的せん断弾性係数の間で示した簡単な関係を,実際の堆積性軟岩の室内試験および検層で得られた圧縮強度と弾性波速度から求められた動的せん断弾性係数のデータを用いて検証を行った.その結果,実際の岩石や岩盤においても,圧縮強度と弾性波速度から得られる動的せん断弾性係数との間に簡単な関係があることがわかった.また,岩石物理モデルでもこの関係をモデル化できることを示した.
Abstract: A compressive strength model of a large rock mass can be effectively and economically built if compressive strength of a rock or rock mass can be estimated from seismic velocity. In this study, we first summarize empirical equations between uniaxial compressive strength of a rock and P-wave velocity which have been so far proposed, and point out the problems in application of the empirical equations by comparing with real data. For the triaxial compressive strength, a simple linear relationship between triaxial compressive strength and dynamic share modulus obtained S-wave velocity measurements in a triaxial compression test in the laboratory by Sharma et al. (2011) is verified by the data measured in the laboratory and well logging for real soft sedimentary rocks. The data for real rocks show that there is also a simple linear relationship between triaxial compressive strength and seismic velocity derived dynamic shear modulus for a real rock and rock mass. Rock physics model can also represent the linear relationship of these two properties of a rock.
Keywords: compressive strength of a rock, seismic velocity, dynamic shear modulus, rock physics model, soft sedimentary rock
p. 163-172
Precise Measurement of Creep Deformation of Rock Mass
– Experimental Study on In-situ Long-term Creep Test –
FUNATO Akio, KUDO Rie and TANAKA Soichi
Abstract: Some key considerations have been compiled that enables highly accurate and reliable measurement in the in-situ creep test using rigid plate loading method, based on the results of the authors’ research over the past 30 years. In order to stably measure minute creep displacement, it must be necessary to secure immobility of the reference beam, stability of sustained load, and long-term stability of the measurement system and test equipment. In particular, as a result of our prior studies, both in the laboratory and in-situ, the measurement of creep displacement had been found out to be affected by such factors as reference beam’s arc-shaped curving that would be caused by the temperature variation between top and bottom of the beam, degradation of insulation resistance in the switch box that connects strain gauge type displacement transducer and data logger caused by high humidity in the adit. Some new knowledge had been also obtained about the stability of the bearing pads in the environments and the technique to maintain a constant pressure. Taking these experimental studies into account, the in-situ creep test had been accomplished finally with reliable results. This paper contributes to inherit the in-situ creep test techniques in future.
Keywords: in-situ creep test, immobility of reference beam, minute displacement measurement, constant pressure
p. 173-191
- 岩盤初期地圧の推定方法について -
Some Issues on the Performance Evaluation of Tunnel and Underground Cavern
– Some Considerations on the Estimation of In-situ Stress –

Abstract: Estimates of the in-situ stress and the mechanical characteristics of rock mass are important in the design of deep and large scaled underground structures such as high-level radioactive waste disposal repositories. Usually, in-situ stress measurements such as hydraulic fracturing method, stress relief method and AE (acoustic emission) method are conducted to provide estimates of in-situ stress. However, measurement results by these methods can highly vary because of heterogeneity of rock mass, and this will causes difficulties in in-situ stress evaluation. In this study, 3D back analysis method for the evaluation of in-situ stress, which can simulate the tunnel deformation behavior during excavation, is presented and its effectiveness is discussed.

Keyword: in-situ stress, in-situ stress measurement, convergence measurement, 3D back analysis
p. 193-208