公益財団法人深田地質研究所 第17号 2016
Preliminary report of the R/V Yokosuka & Shinkai 6500 YK16-01 Cruise
– Quick dive report on Mn-nodules distributed within the EEZ around Minami Torishima –
– Quick dive report on Mn-nodules distributed within the EEZ around Minami Torishima –
石井輝秋・町田嗣樹・飯島耕一・山本浩文・野崎達生・金子純二・大田隼一郎・藤永公一郎・安川和孝・下村 遼・高谷雄太郎・南澤智美・藤島恵介・黒崎智雄・梅原淑行
ISHII Teruaki, MACHIDA Shiki, IIJIMA Koichi, YAMAMOTO Hirofumi, NOZAKI Tatsuo, KANEKO Junji, OHTA Junichiro, FUJINAGA Koichiro, YASUKAWA Kazutaka, SHIMOMURA Ryo, TAKAYA Yutaro, MINAMIZAWA Tomomi, FUJISHIMA Keisuke, KUROSAKI Tomoo and UMEHARA Yoshiyuki
要旨:深海潜水調査船「しんかい6500」の支援母船「よこすか」YK16-01航海(「よこすか」2016年第01次航海)は2016年4月8日(金)JAMSTC晴海埠頭出港-4月26日(火)JAMSTC晴海埠頭入港の19日 間で行われた.乗船研究者は首席研究者の町田嗣樹(JAMSTEC)以下計15名,航海の課題名は「「海洋資源の成因に関する科学的研究」によるマンガンノジュール広域調査」であった.「しんかい6500」による潜航調査は8回(第1459~1466潜航)であった.YK10-05航海,「しんかい6500」第1207潜航(乗船者:石井)により南鳥島の排他的経済水域(EEZ)内に広大なマンガンノジュールフィールドの存在が明らかになり,その後調査が行われた,マンガンクラストとレアアース泥の三者は,互いに深い成因関係があるという,深海酸化物資源三位一体作業仮設を提案するに至った.この海域の三者の化学組成が類似あるいは相互に影響を与えていると推察されるからである(町田他,2016).本航海で実施した主な7点の観測内容は,(1)「しんかい6500」によるノジュール試料採取,(2)目視観察によるノジュール分布状況の把握と,音響データ (地形と後方散乱強度) との対応付けによる,ノジュール探査手法の確立,(3)深海サブボトムプロファイラー(深海SBP)による,ノジュール分布域と直下の(超高濃度)レアアース泥との関連付け,(4)H式プッシュコアによるノジュールと,直下の堆積物の採取,(5)深海4Kビデオカメラでのノジュール分布状況の観測・記録,(6)超音波多層流向流速計(ADCP)による,深海底層流の長期観測,(7)マルチナロービーム音響測深機(MBES),SBP,船上磁力計,プロトン磁力計,および船上重力計による地質・地球物理調査であり,成功裏に完了した.
キーワード:マンガンノジュール,マンガンクラスト,レアアース泥,しんかい6500,R/V よこすか, 南鳥島EEZ, 海底酸化物資源, 三位一体作業仮説
Abstract: The R/V (Research Vessel) Yokosuka YK16-01 Cruise was performed during 19 days from Friday, April 8, 2016 (Harumi, Tokyo) to Tuesday, April 26, 2016 (Harumi, Tokyo) in the southeastern part of the Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) around Minamitorishima Island., to investigate on widespread distribution of ferromanganese nodules: toward basic studies for the origin of marine mineral resources, conducted by the chief scientist: Dr. Shiki MACHIDA (JAMSTEC). Shinkai 6500 dives of 8 times were performed during the cruise (6K#1459-6K#1466). A dense field of ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodules was discovered by the Shinkai 6500 submersible dive (6Kdive#1207: observer, ISHII) during R/V Yokosuka YK10-05 Cruise in 2010 in the skirts of a small seamount approximately 300 km east of Minamitorishima Island in the Japanese EEZ. Textural and geochemical features indicate that the nodules are morphologically and compositionally similar to Fe-Mn crusts recovered from the near field, suggesting that they owe their origin the same geochemical sources. The REY (=rare earth elements and yttrium)-rich mud and ferro- manganese nodules also suggest genetic relation by mean of geological and geochemical features. Ocean oxide resources (=manganese nodules, manganese crust and REY-rich mud) have genetic deep relation, each other. They are assumed as the geological Trinity (Machida et al., 2016 in Japanese). On the basis of this working hypothesis, we attend the cruise. Onboard as well as on- & sub-bottom geological and geophysical several observations (ADCP, SBP, MBES, 4Kvideo, etc.) were also successfully done during the Cruise.
Keywords: ferromanganese nodule, ferromanganese crust, REY-rich mud, Shinkai 6500, R/V Yokosuka, Minamitorishima EEZ, ocean oxide resources, Trinity working hypothesis
p. 1-28
Keywords: ferromanganese nodule, ferromanganese crust, REY-rich mud, Shinkai 6500, R/V Yokosuka, Minamitorishima EEZ, ocean oxide resources, Trinity working hypothesis
p. 1-28
2014年8月の広島土砂災害再考 ―やや大きな崩壊源について―
Rethinking on the 2014 landslide-debris flow disaster in Hiroshima ——Source areas somewhat large in magnitude——
要旨:2014年8月20日の広島土砂災害で大きな被害をもたらした土石流の源となった崩壊源のうち6箇所を詳細に調査し,次の結果をえた.それら崩壊源の規模は表層崩壊(深さ1m±)よりも大きく,深さ最大5.5m,体積最大3200m3であり,しかも特徴的な崩壊源構成層をもっていた.すなわち,下位から基岩の弱風化花崗岩・流紋岩質岩脈,赤褐色土岩屑層(〜5m),黄褐色土岩屑層(〜3m),褐色土層(〜0.6m),根茎腐植層(〜0.2m)である.破壊面(崩壊面・すべり面)の主部は赤褐色土岩屑層の基底部付近である.これら崩壊源の発生場所は基岩に断裂の多いリニアメント上で,基岩面が凹状形であり,背後の尾根には鞍部が存在している.この地形的位置は同様の斜面災害予測への可能性を示唆している.なお,この大きな崩壊発生の主役となった赤褐色土岩屑層の形成過程はMIS 5e(0.125Ma)以降とする仮説を提示した.
Abstract: We studied in detail the six landslide source areas which developed into large debris flows devastating severely on housing areas situated at alluvial cones in Hiroshima city on August 20, 2014. The source areas are deeper (~5.5m) and larger (~3200m3) than superficial slides (1m ± in depth). Those larger source areas have a characteristic slope formation consisting of bedrock (weakly weathered granite and rhyolitic dyke rock), reddish brown soil−debris bed (~5m), yellowish brown soil−debris bed (~3m), brown soil bed (~0.6m), and rhizome-humus soil (~0.2m). The main part of the surface of rapture can be found near the basal part of the reddish brown soil−debris beds in those source areas. The topographical locations of the source areas are situated on lineaments where bedrocks are severely sheared and show concave sub-surfaces, filled thickly with the reddish brown soil−debris beds, and saddles at the rear ridges. This suggests for the possibility of the site prediction for somewhat large landslide-debris flow source areas. We have a hypothesis on the formation of the reddish brown soil−debris bed, which played the key role on the 2014 disaster, have been formed after MIS 5e (0.125Ma).
Keywords : granitic rocks, source area, debris flow, slope body formation, reddish brown soil−debris bed, yellowish brown soil−debris bed
p. 29-56
Keywords : granitic rocks, source area, debris flow, slope body formation, reddish brown soil−debris bed, yellowish brown soil−debris bed
p. 29-56
「地震予知」再考 ―これまでの歴史と個人的総括―
A reconsideration of “Earthquake Prediction” A historical review and a personal reflection
Abstract: The Tohoku Earthquake which occurred at March 11, 2011 with a moment magnitude Mw9.1 brought a lot of problems to us including the organization of earthquake prediction of Japan. In this short note, I will try to summarize the history of earthquake prediction project of Japan, and make a personal reflection about these problems as a researcher who has at least committed earthquake prediction and made many experimental studies concerning the forecasting earthquakes. Some people have argued that the earthquake prediction is intrinsically impossible and others have claimed that the earthquake prediction should be a scientific aim to be realized. The history of this argument will be reviewed and I will show my personal consideration.
Keywords: earthquake prediction, earthquake foreseeing, Tohoku earthquake
p. 57-72
Keywords: earthquake prediction, earthquake foreseeing, Tohoku earthquake
p. 57-72
Human damage distribution of the 2016 and 1889 Kumamoto earthquakes considering with the location of Futagawa fault system
TSUJI Yoshinobu
要旨:平成28年4月14日の始まった一連の熊本地震は,九州を横断する中央構造線の一部を構成する布田川断層系の滑りによるものであった.14日21時26分に熊本県益城町付近を震央としてM6.5の前震が発生し,その約32時間後の16日1時25分にM7.3の本震が発生した.その約2時間後,中央構造線に沿って北東方向に当たる阿蘇カルデラ内外で各1個宛の地震が誘発された(M5.9,およびM5.8).また本震の約6時間後には大分県内で独立地震(M5.4)が誘発された.さらに19日には,南西側延長上の八代市でも別の独立地震(M5.0)が誘発されて,100 kmあまりにおよぶ九州を横断する中央構造線全体に地震活動が拡大した.じつは明治22年(1889)にも今回とほぼ同じ位置に明治熊本地震(M6.3)が発生し,その後6年以内に,阿蘇カルデラ内で2回,大分県別府湾で1回の中央構造線上の地震が起きたことがある.明治熊本地震の場合には,瀬戸内海地域でも同じ時期に4回の顕著地震が発生している.さらにこの時期に,九州鹿児島県知覧で2回,福岡市で1回地震が発生しており,いずれも明治熊本地震に誘発された地震と考えることが出来る.平成熊本地震も同じような経過をたどっていく可能性がある.今回の熊本地震では,死者の発生は布田川断層のすぐ北側,断層線から3 km以内の範囲に集中して起きていることが判明した.
Abstract:A group of earthquakes began to occur in the region near Kumamoto City, central Kyushu along the Futagawa Fault system on the Japan Median Techtonic Line (MTL) from 14th, April 2016. The first earthquake (M6.5) occurred at 21:26 in Mashiki town , and 32 hours after it, at 01:25 26th, April the main shock (M7.3) broke out at several kilometers NW of the first event. Just about two hours after the main shock, two eminent earthquakes (M5.9 and M5.8) were induced in the Caldera region of Volcano Aso, and six hours after the main shock another earthquake (M5.4) was induced in Yufuin Basin in Ooita prefecture. On 19th April, another eminent earthquake (M5.0) occurred at Yatsushiro city, which is located on the SW prolongation of the Futagawa fault system. In 1889, the Meiji Kumanoto earthquake (M6.3) occurred near at the same place as the present events. After the occurrence of the Meiji Kumamoto earthquake a series of induced earthquakes took place on the MTL on Kyushu and in the Seto Inland Sea region in the period up to the end of 1898. In addition that, two earthquakes (M5.3 and M6.3) occurred at Chiran town in Kagoshima prefecture, and an earthquake (M6.0) was induced at a point west of Fukuoka city in the same period. In the present events, 47 people were killed in the narrow zone north of the Futagawa fault which has 3 kilometers in width.
Keywords: The 2016 Heisei Kumamoto earthquake, the 1889 Meiji Kumamoto earthquake, Futagawa fault, the Japan Median Tectonic Line, relationship between the distribution of deaths and the location of the active fault
p. 73-87
Keywords: The 2016 Heisei Kumamoto earthquake, the 1889 Meiji Kumamoto earthquake, Futagawa fault, the Japan Median Tectonic Line, relationship between the distribution of deaths and the location of the active fault
p. 73-87
The study about local surface uplift around the southeast of the Kanto plain after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
要旨:これまでの研究により,本震後から現在にかけて太平洋沖の地域では一様に隆起していることが知られているが,本研究では,2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震後の約3年間における関東平野の地表変動をGNSSデータとPS干渉SAR解析を用いてマッピングしたところ,関東平野南部で年間5 mm程度,局所的に隆起量が大きい地域を特定した.この局所的な隆起域は,約30× 50 km2の範囲で発生しており,不均質な空間分布をもつことが明らかとなった.また,局所的な隆起は,特に本震後1-2年間に顕著であり,次第に減衰する傾向をもつ.局所的に隆起が発生した地域では,本震後より地下水位が上昇していることが分かっており,震源断層と関東平野南部の距離の関係や関東平野の地下構造を鑑みると,浸透率の変化に伴う地下水位の上昇によって,局所的な隆起が引き起こされたことを示唆している.本研究は,地震による浸透率変化に伴う地表隆起を捉えた最初の例である可能性がある.
Abstract: We investigated three-year post-seismic surface displacement of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake around the Kanto Plain, using a global positioning system network and persistent scatterer interferometry of TerraSAR-X data. Uniform uplift owing to viscoelastic relaxation and afterslip on the plain has been reported previously. In addition to the general trend, we identified areas where surface displacement velocity was faster than surrounding areas, with as much as ~5 mm/year decay over time. The local uplift areas were about 30×50 km2, and showed complex a spatial distribution with irregular shape. Based on the observed groundwater level increase, we deduced that the local ground uplift was induced by permeability enhancement and pore pressure increase of the aquifer system, attributable to the mainshock vibration. The study is the first observation to reveal ground displacement caused by permeability enhancement from an earthquake.
Keywords: the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, GNSS, PSInSAR, surface displacement, groundwater
p. 89-96
Keywords: the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, GNSS, PSInSAR, surface displacement, groundwater
p. 89-96
Study on rock physical interpretation of geophysical data for geotechnical applications (Part X)
– An attempt at model-based rock mass classification using geophysical data –
– An attempt at model-based rock mass classification using geophysical data –
高橋 亨・田中莊一
Abstract: Rock mass classification has been widely used for designing and constructing engineering structures such as tunnels and dams. There are several classification methods such as RMR and Q-value, and the methods proposed by related organizations in Japan. As these methods, however, include some qualitative evaluation criteria, it has been long recognized that the rock mass classification strongly depends on those who make classification. We have, therefore, studied a classification method which can more quantitatively and objectively classify the rock grade with multiple geophysical data based on rock physics. This paper demonstrates an application of the proposed model to P-wave velocity and resistivity data acquired with seismic refraction and electric surveys on a planned tunnel route to estimate rock grades before and after excavation. The rock grade after excavation is determined based on P-wave velocity reduced due to loosening of the tunnel wall which is predicted by the model. Comparison with rock grades determined with the conventional way proves that the model-based method can be used for more quantitative rock mass classification.
Keywords: rock mass classification, tunnel rock classification, seismic velocity, resistivity, rock physics model, tunnel
p. 97-104
Keywords: rock mass classification, tunnel rock classification, seismic velocity, resistivity, rock physics model, tunnel
p. 97-104
Failure Surface Analysis and Fracture Mechanism on Tri-Axial Extension Test:The Case of Kimachi Sandstone
藤井幸泰・高橋 学・高橋直樹
FUJII Yukiyasu, TAKAHASHI Manabu and TAKAHASHI Naoki
Abstract:The confined tri-axial extension tests are conducted using cylindrical specimens of Kimachi sandstone. The test is a simulation of stress release, such as construction of underground structure and rock materials surfaced on the ground. In addition, the tests are conducted as two stress paths. In the case of stress path I, the confining pressure (σ1=σ2=σ3) has been increased to maximum value, then σ3 has been decreased at a rate of 0.125 kN/sec, as σ1=σ2>σ3. Another case of stress path II, the confining pressure (σ1=σ2=σ3) has been increased to minimum value, then σ1(=σ2) has been increased as σ1=σ2>σ3. In spite of the two stress paths, all test specimens are failed with shear and tensile fractures. The shear fractures are traced and the dipping angles are measured on the lateral surface images of the specimens. It is shown that the fracture angles are increased with confining pressure when the specimens are yield. This phenomenon can be explained by Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion, and the fracture envelope can be calculated by yield stress and fracture angles. In addition, surface roughness of tensile fractures are measured by photogrammetry. The surface roughness is planer with increasing confining pressure. Therefore, the tensile fractures have been created in the confining pressure, after the formation of shear fractures.
Keywords: shear fracture, tensile fracture, Mohr-circle, fracture envelope, roughness
p. 105-114
Keywords: shear fracture, tensile fracture, Mohr-circle, fracture envelope, roughness
p. 105-114
不連続性岩盤内における水みち構造について -形成要因と巨視的透水係数に与える影響の考察-
Preferential flow pathways in fractured rock - Formation mechanism and those influences on rock mass permeability –
SHIMO Michito
Abstract:Flow localization is one of the most fundamental and common issues for characterizing flow in fractured rocks. In this paper, based on the results from the laboratory tests and the numerical study, the formation mechanism of the preferential flow paths and the contribution of those paths to the macroscopic hydraulic conductivity are investigated. The results of the hydraulic tomography and X-ray CT using a 30 cm cube of fractured chert showed that the localized flow is occurring along the interconnected horizontal and smaller scale semi-vertical fractures. From numerical study, it was shown that the flow localization starts to occur when, σ, the standard deviation of the logarithm of the local hydraulic conductivity, is larger than one. The preferential flow pathways are created within the contour surface of top 25 % of the hydraulic conductivity that is equivalent to the “critical path” defined by the percolation theory. The location of the preferential pathways predicted by the numerical simulation was successfully reproduced by the 3D printed fracture network model. It was also pointed out that the macroscopic conductivity becomes larger, more than one order of magnitude comparing to the logarithmic mean of the local conductivity, when σ becomes larger than 1.5 which was also predicted by the percolation theory and the numerical simulation.
keyword: fractured rock, flow localization, critical density, hydraulic tomography, X-ray CT, 3D printer
p. 115-124
keyword: fractured rock, flow localization, critical density, hydraulic tomography, X-ray CT, 3D printer
p. 115-124
Diametrical Core Deformation Analysis (DCDA) for Rock Stress Evaluation Considering Anisotropic Elasticity
FUNATO Akio and HOSODA Kohichi
Abstract:DCDA is a new method for evaluating the in-situ stress of rocks based on the elastic and elliptical deformation of boring cores with differential stress relief. However, rocks are seldom isotropic. The elliptical deformation of cores must be caused by not only differential stress relief but also anisotropic elasticity of rocks. In order to evaluate the in-situ rock stress precisely, we must consider anisotropic elasticity of rocks in DCDA. Laboratory drilling verifications were conducted using 300 mm cube Ohshima granite samples under bi-axial stress condition using two pairs of flat jacks. Cross sectional shapes of a drilled core were measured precisely by the DCDA measuring device and its anisotropic elasticity was determined by Brazilian test. Then we developed DCDA for rock stress evaluation considering anisotropic elasticity.
Keywords: stress relief, elliptical, rock core, anisotropic elasticity, Brazilian test
p. 125-134
Keywords: stress relief, elliptical, rock core, anisotropic elasticity, Brazilian test
p. 125-134
岩盤構造物の性能評価における課題 - 山岳トンネルの地震被害と耐震性 -
Some Issues on the Performance Evaluation of Tunnel and Underground Cavern – Seismic Damages and Aseismicity of Mountain Tunnel –
Abstract:Mountain tunnels constructed in the deep rock mass have been vaguely believed to be safe for earthquakes up to now. Actually, the structural stability of mountain tunnel has been examined by considering the static loads such as excavation released stress and load due to excavation disturbed zone. Stability of tunnels against earthquakes has been examined for the large-scale underground caverns for underground power plant and oil or LPG storage facilities, and also for the tunnel with special conditions where the damage by earthquake is clearly supposed. However in the recent destructive earthquakes, significant damages of mountain tunnels caused by seismic vibration and earthquake fault displacement have been reported. Once the mountain tunnel which plays an important role as a social infrastructure structure causes earthquake damages, it will exert a large influence on the social activity as well as it requires a lot of time and effort in its own restoration. In this paper, the present situation of aseismicity of mountain tunnels is summarized and the problem to be solved is discussed.
Keywords: mountain tunnel, earthquake damage, aseismicity evaluation
p. 135- 152
Keywords: mountain tunnel, earthquake damage, aseismicity evaluation
p. 135- 152