公益財団法人深田地質研究所 第14号 2013
Visit of Tengu Iwa Quarry site, One of the Stone Quarry Ruins for Osaka Castle
Abstract: There are a number of remained cutting stones at the Tengu Iwa Quarry site, one of the Iwagatani Quarry Ruins for Osaka Castle (National historical relic site in 1972), at the area of Iwagatani, Shodoshima town, Shodoshima Island, Kagawa Prefecture. The Tengu Iwa Quarry site maintained a renewal path for public presentation in 2012. Along there, we can observe not only remained cutting stones but also core stones and lamination sheeting which compose of the weathering structure of granitic rocks.
Keywords: Tengu Iwa Quarry site, Stone Quarry Ruins for Osaka Castle, remained cutting stone,National historical relic site, weathering structure of granitic rocks, core stone, lamination sheeting
p. 1- 13
Keywords: Tengu Iwa Quarry site, Stone Quarry Ruins for Osaka Castle, remained cutting stone,National historical relic site, weathering structure of granitic rocks, core stone, lamination sheeting
p. 1- 13
Three pyroxene andesite (pigeonite andesite) from Hakone volcano
ISHII Teruaki
要旨:ピジオン輝石斑晶を含む火山岩は非常に稀であり,世界で数例しか知られていない.箱根火山箱根峠産普通輝石-ピジオン輝石-紫蘇輝石安山岩(単に三輝石安山岩またはピジオン輝石安山岩と呼ばれる)は久野久先生による,偏光顕微鏡を駆使した詳細な研究論文(Kuno, 1935, 1936a)により世界的に有名である.本研究ではEPMAによりこのピジオン輝石安山岩の輝石晶出経路および輝石温度計で求めたマグマからの輝石晶出温度変化を解析し,その成因を検討した.初生的な水に富むソレアイト質高温マグマが,水に関し開いた二次的マグマ溜り中で三相の輝石を平衡晶出して形成された三輝石斑晶含有マグマ(温度は約1070℃)が,元の高温マグマ(温度は約1110℃)と二次的マグマ溜り中で混合して,ピジオン輝石安山岩を形成したという作業仮説を提出する.水に関し開いた二次的マグマ溜り中での,三種の輝石斑晶の平衡晶出の存在が鍵と成る.
Abstract: Pigeonite phenocryst bearing volcanic rock is very rare in the world. Augite-pigeonite-hypersthen andesite (= three pyroxene andesite or pigeonite andesite ) from Hakone volcano is very famous according to the detailed studies on the pyroxenes using microscope by the late professor Kuno (Kuno 1935, 1936a). On the bases of the detailed EPMA analyses of the pyroxene crystallization sequences as well as estimated crystallization temperatures of pyroxenes and magmatic temperatures using pyroxene geothermometers for the pigeonite andesite, the author suggests the following working hypothesis, i.e. the pigeonite andesite was induced by magma mixing between three pyroxenes andesite magma (about 1070℃) originated from the primitive high temperature hydras tholeiite magma within secondary magma reservoir opened for water, and the high temperature magma (about 1110℃) in the secondary magma reservoir. The key concept is that cocrystallization of three pyroxene phenocrysts under open system for water in the secondary magma reservoir.
Keywords: Hakone volcano, pyroxene geothermometer, pigeonite, magma mixing, three pyroxene andesite
p. 15- 28
Keywords: Hakone volcano, pyroxene geothermometer, pigeonite, magma mixing, three pyroxene andesite
p. 15- 28
学術研究船淡青丸KT-12-35研究航海の概要 -相模トラフ沿い沈み込み帯の構造と地震発生帯の関係の解明-
Preliminary report of the R/V Tansei Maru Cruise KT-12-35 - Geology and Tectonics between subduction zone and seismogenic zone along the Sagami trough and off Boso peninsula –
石井輝秋・川村喜一郎・小林励司・濱元栄起・山下浩之・安川和孝・大田隼一郎・名取孝人・吉田尊智・原口 悟・中村謙太郎・中野幸彦
ISHII Teruaki, KAWAMURA Kiichiro, KOBAYASHI Reiji, HAMAMOTO Hideki, YAMASHITA Hiroyuki, YASUKAWA Kazutaka, OHTA Junichiro, NATORI Takato, YOSHIDA Takanori, HARAGUCHI Satoru, NAKAMURA Kentaro, NAKANO Yukihiko
Abstract: The R/V (Research Vessel) Tansei Maru KT-12-35 Cruise was performed from Sunday 14:00, December 23, 2012 (Daiba, Tokyo harbor) to Thursday 10:00, December 27, 2012 (Daiba, Tokyo harbor) in Sagami bay and off Boso area, to investigate “Geology and Tectonics between subduction zone and seismogenic zone along the Sagami trough and off Boso peninsula”, proposed by the chief scientist; Dr. Kiichiro KAWAMURA. The principal scientific objectives of the cruise were to collect basic scientific data sets for the prevention of earthquake disasters in the Minami Kanto area, according to investigation for geological and geothermal subbottom structure of deep-sea floor in Sagami bay and off Boso area. For those aims, scientific researches were performed at 2 stations of heat flow measurement, 7 stations of dredge to sample bed rocks including igneous as well as sedimentary rocks, and 4 stations of piston core to get sediment cores.
Keywords: Sagami trough, seismogenic zone, off Boso peninsula, piston core, dredge, (terrestrial) heat flow, Tansei Maru
p. 29- 56
Keywords: Sagami trough, seismogenic zone, off Boso peninsula, piston core, dredge, (terrestrial) heat flow, Tansei Maru
p. 29- 56
A review on the Cretaceous Raga Formation of the Miyako Group, and its related rocks in Japan
OBATA Ikuwo and MATSUKAWA Masaki
Abstract: The Cretaceous Raga Formation of the lowest Miyako Group is described and discussed in connection with the upperlying formations and the underlying rocks. Excluding the angular or subangular conglomerate (40 m ± in thickness) of the Raga Formation, there are alternating beds of rounded or subrounded conglomerates and conglomeratic sandstones (100 m± in thickness) of an unnamed formation in the Miyako area. As to the regional correlation of the latter alternating beds with four formations of the Miyako Group, a problem is noted herein.
Keywords: Raga Formation, Tanohata Formation, Hiraiga Formation, Aketo Formation, conglomerates, palynological analysis, Harachiyama andesite, Rikuchu Group
p. 57– 65
Keywords: Raga Formation, Tanohata Formation, Hiraiga Formation, Aketo Formation, conglomerates, palynological analysis, Harachiyama andesite, Rikuchu Group
p. 57– 65
Case study on risk of geological investigation for bridge foundation rock
Abstract: Geological risk of bridge foundation rock is discussed on the basis of case study for short-span and long-span bridges. Over/underestimation of geological and geotechnical conditions arise for most of studied bridge foundations and this geological risk often produce cost loss. Because difficult geological conditions cause noticeable estimation error of bridge foundation rock, improvement of investigation and analysis method is necessary.
Keywords: geological risk, bridge foundation rock, geological estimation and practice, over/underestimation, cost loss
p. 67- 75
Keywords: geological risk, bridge foundation rock, geological estimation and practice, over/underestimation, cost loss
p. 67- 75
蛇紋岩体分布地域の地すべり・地すべり地形 -その島弧日本列島における概観および小滝地区の例-
Landslides in the areas underlain by serpentinite or ultra-mafic rocks – An overview on those landslides in Japanese islands and a case study at Kotaki areas, central Japan –
大八木規夫・内山庄一郎・土志田正二・清水文健・井口 隆
OYAGI Norio, UCHIYAMA Shoichiro, DOSHIDA Shoji, SHIMIZU Fumitake, INOKUCHI Takashi
Abstract: This paper is consists of two parts. Firstly, an overview is given for landslides on areas underlain by serpentinite and ultra-mafic rocks throughout Japanese island arcs. Major areas underlain by those rocks are Kamuikotan belt in Hokkaido, and Renge or Oeyama belt in western part of Honshu of the Inner Japan. Minor areas are found along Hayachine tectonic zone in northeast Tohoku of northern Honshu, Sambagawa belt, and Kurosegawa tectonic zone of the Outer Japan. Landslides are found in areas underlain by specific types of serpentinite in sheared zones, or contact zones with other rocks along faults. Secondly, detail aerial photo-interpretation is shown on Odokoro-Kijiya landslide at the northern part of North Alps of central Japan developed at the area composed of serpentinite and in addition a few landslides in the nearby areas underlain by similar rocks. A serpentinite rock body of scaly or phyllitic type in sheared zones, specifically contacting with other geologic bodies by faults, shows high susceptibility for landslides but very low of block type not contact with other geologic bodies. As the most of serpentinite rocks are considered as products of hydration of a wedge mantle along a Wadati-Benioff zone from a subduction of an oceanic plate, we have, through this study, approached in conclusion to an idea that those landslides on serpentinite rock bodies are fundamentally related to geologic structure and tectonics related to construction of island arcs.
Keywords: landslides, serpentinite, geologic structure, island arcs, Odokoro-Kijiya landslide
p. 77-118
Keywords: landslides, serpentinite, geologic structure, island arcs, Odokoro-Kijiya landslide
p. 77-118
On the possibility of the occurrence of Tsunami in the Wakasa Bay at nearly 400 years ago
Abstract: Soon after the Earthquake Disaster in the East Japan in 2011, the Asahi Shimbun reported the presence of the old documents that a tsunami following the Tansho Earthquake in 1586 hit the Wakasa Bay in Western Japan and the surrounding areas were suffered heavy damage. According to the article, the sentence that the beach along the Wakasa Bay in Tango District suffered by a tsunami is documented in “The Diary of Sir Kanemi”. According to the instructions from the Nuclear Safety Commission, Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. and other two electric power companies conducted researches to get sediment cores by boring in the Wakasa Bay to clarify the presence or absence of seawater intrusion into the bay caused by the historically documented tsunami. Sediment cores from the Kugushi and Suga Lakes in the Mikata Five Lakes reveal the absence of such seawater intrusion into these lakes. Geologically speaking, these researches gave reliable evidences to deny the presence of supposed occurrence of “Wakasa Bay Tsunami following the Tensho Earthquake in 1586”. After reexamination of “The Diary of Sir Kanemi”, the words “the surging waves” were documented but the word “tsunami” was not used. When the Institue of Historiography of the University of Tokyo edited “The Historical Documents of Japan”, “The Diary of Sir Kanemi” was also involved in it and a historiographer commented annotation as “the beach along the Wakasa Bay in Tango District suffered by a tsunami”. Asahi Shimbun reported the presence of the sentence regarding the tsunami in the Wakasa Bay as if the sentence was appeared in “The Diary of Sir Kanemi”. In “The History of Japan” published by Luis Flois, the words “high waves” were expressed but the word “tsunami” was not appeared either. At the same time as the Tensho Earthquake occurred in 1586, heavy waves might have been generated by strong seasonal winds of winter time along the Japan Sea. Without clear discrinimation between tsunami and flood tide or high wave, a historiographer might have expressed the word “tsunami” for flood tide or high wave. An ambiguous usage of “tsunami” is regarded as the prime factor to introduce the confusion about the Wakasa Bay Tsunami.
Keywords: Tensho Earthquake, Wakasa Bay Tsunami, Diary of Sir Kanemi, Mikata Five Lakes, Tsunami Deposits
p. 119- 137
Keywords: Tensho Earthquake, Wakasa Bay Tsunami, Diary of Sir Kanemi, Mikata Five Lakes, Tsunami Deposits
p. 119- 137
Characteristics of the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake judging from distributions of house collapse and the dead person
TSUJI Yoshinobu
要旨:大正12年関東震災による当時の町村別の家屋全壊数と死者数を『大正震災志 上』(内務省社会局1926)から拾い出し,分布図を作成した.1町村当たりの家屋倒壊数が大きかったのは,(1)震源域の直上に当たる神奈川県平野部と房総半島最南端,(2)地質年代に湖水域であった甲府盆地や富士五湖地方,(3)江戸時代以前には利根川の氾濫平野であった埼玉県南東部,である.このうち,(1)と(3)では死者数も多かったが,(2)では死者数は少なかった.逆に,家屋倒壊数が少ない割に死者数が多かった場所が埼玉県北部の古利根川と荒川の自然堤防平野域に存在した.家屋倒壊数が多い割に死者数が少なかった場所では,家屋は長周期の緩やかな震動で倒壊したため,住人は倒壊するまでの間に十分に避難措置をとる時間的なゆとりがあったと考えられる.逆に,死者数が多かった場所では家屋は一瞬のうちに倒壊したものと考えられる.
Abstract: The numbers of the house collapse and the dead person according to the municipalities caused by the 1923 Kanto earthquake in “Taisho Shinsai Shi (The report of the Great Kanto Earthquake, edited by the Department of the Interior Social Welfare Bureau 1926) were collected and made distribution maps of them. The areas where the number of the house collapse was big in (1) the area just above the fault plane; plain areas in Kanagawa prefecture and on the top of the Boso peninsula, in (2) Kofu and Fuji Goko basins which had been parts of lake areas in geologically ancient years, and (3) in Southeast Saitama prefecture which had been was flooding plains of the Former Tone River before the beginning of 17the century. There were many death tolls in (1) and (3), too, but there were few death tolls in (2). On the contrary, the place where there were many death tolls although there was little number of the house collapse existed in the natural levee plains of the former Tone and Arakawa rivers in the area of the north part of Saitama Prefecture. In such area as the area (2), houses were collapsed by long period vibration so, the residents took enough time to refuge measures. On the contrary, it is thought that the house collapsed instantly at the place where there were many death tolls.
Keywords: the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake, the number of the house collapse, the death toll, earthquake disaster damage concentration in the former wetlands ground, natural levee
p.139- 145
Keywords: the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake, the number of the house collapse, the death toll, earthquake disaster damage concentration in the former wetlands ground, natural levee
p.139- 145
An observation of consecutive events in sandpile experiments
Abstract: Sandpile experiments have been performed using, not a circular, but a polygonal (octagonal) disk. Thus the pile becomes a pyramid, the surface of which is divided into several segments. Each segment is considered to be an individual surface. Avalanches sometimes occur on a single segment and sometimes on several segments simultaneously, resulting in a large avalanche which is regarded as a consecutive event. We used an WEB camera which takes images of the sandpile with a constant interval, in order to identify the location of avalanches by comparing the two images taken before and after a large avalanche. A large avalanche occurs as a result of successive collapses of adjacent segments. We found that when the drop point of sand onto a sandpile misses the center of the disk, the occurrence of large avalanches becomes periodic and regular because the same segments collapse every time, whereas when it matches the center of the disk, it becomes irregular so that it is very difficult to forecast the time and the magnitude of the next avalanche. However we found that the main segment of the next avalanche becomes calm (quiescent) just before the avalanche. The elucidation of detailed mechanism of the quiescence will be a future work.
Keywords: sandpile experiment, avalanche, consecution, segment, quiescence
p. 147- 156
Keywords: sandpile experiment, avalanche, consecution, segment, quiescence
p. 147- 156
Report on 4th Central Asian Geotechnical Symposium
FUJII Yukiyasu
Abstract: 4th Central Asian Geotechnical Symposium was held in Samarkand. It intended to discuss and exchange ideas on geotechnical problems as well as conservation of heritage and historical sites. Samarkand is one of the most important cities and the World Heritage sites in Uzbekistan. There are many historical sites, and some of them contain geological and geotechnical problems, for example salt weathering and soft ground. This report introduces abstract of the symposium with abundant beautiful photographs.
Keywords: cultural heritage, conservation, preservation, salt weathering
p. 157- 164
Keywords: cultural heritage, conservation, preservation, salt weathering
p. 157- 164
地盤工学における物理探査データのロックフィジックスをベースにした解釈技術に関する研究(その7) -物理探査データによる透水係数の推定-
Study on rock physical interpretation of geophysical data for geotechnical applications (Part VII) - Estimation of permeability of soils and rocks with geophysical data –
高橋 亨・田中莊一
Abstract: For developing an effective method to estimate permeability of soils and rocks using geophysical data, we have studied the Koseny-Carman equation (K-C equation) with porosity and grain size estimated from geophysical data based on rock physics models. For application of the proposed method to saturated soils, S-wave velocity and resistivity logging data are input to the unconsolidated sand model and the Archie’s equation for estimating porosity and grain size of the soil, which are employed in K-C equation to calculate permeability. Comparison of estimated permeability with actual measurement by in-situ permeability test shows that permeability is estimated in accuracy less than one order of magnitude for 78 % of the compared data. For application to sandy siltstone, S-wave velocity and density logs are employed in the bimodal mixture model to estimate clay content, which can be used for calculating grain size. The grain size thus obtained and porosity derived from density are utilized for calculating permeability with K-C equation. Permeability estimated in accuracy less than one order of magnitude is only for 53% of the compared data.
Keywords: rock physics, geophysics, permeability, Koseny-Carman equation
p. 165- 172
Keywords: rock physics, geophysics, permeability, Koseny-Carman equation
p. 165- 172
3D visualization of geophysical data on a river embankment using Voxler®
金子 誠・高橋 亨
要旨:近年,河川堤防の詳細調査に3次元物理探査が適用され始めている.そこで,河川堤防における物理探査結果をわかりやすく表現するために,3次元データ表示ソフトVoxler® を使用して3次元可視化をおこなった.本稿では,物理探査結果表示に一般的に使われるパネルダイアグラムやブロック図の3次元表示のほか,等値面図や断面図作成のための操作手順および表示例を示す.
Abstract: In recent years, 3D geophysical exploration has begun to be applied to detailed investigation of river embankment. In order to present geophysical data on river embankment clearly, we performed 3D visualization of them using Voxler®, a 3D imaging software. This paper describes its operating procedures with some examples of 3D images such as block diagram, panel diagrams, isosurface views and cross-sectional views commonly used in presenting geophysical data.
Keywords: Voxler, geophysical exploration, river embankment, 3D visualization
p. 173- 186
Keywords: Voxler, geophysical exploration, river embankment, 3D visualization
p. 173- 186
岩盤構造物の性能評価における課題 - 山岳トンネルにおける先進ボーリングの効果について -
On the Performance Evaluation of Tunnel and Underground Cavern - Rational Tunnel Construction using Advancing Boring –
Abstract: In the construction of mountain tunnel, a rock mass is classified based on the pre-investigation result. Then support pattern and excavation method corresponding to a rock class is decided based on the specification, and construction is executed. However, there are many cases where reinforcement of supports, change of excavation method and re-excavation are necessary because of the difference of rock condition from the initial assumption. As a result, the performance of tunnel may deteriorate. In order to avoid this situation, proper evaluation of geological information which is obtained at tunnel face is essential. Here, the rock classification result based on the advancing boring from the tunnel face executed in the tunnel constructed in Hokkaido was analyzed in detail, and the effectiveness of advancing boring was examined. As a result, it was shown that the advancing boring was effective for a reasonable, economical tunneling work.
Keywords: mountain tunnel, rock classification, advancing boring, observational construction
p. 187- 199
Keywords: mountain tunnel, rock classification, advancing boring, observational construction
p. 187- 199