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公益財団法人深田地質研究所 第13号 2012

「種の起原」か,「種の起源」か -On the Origin of Speciesの日本語タイトル-
要旨:日本では,新聞もふくめた出版界では,ダーウィンのOn the Origin of Speciesは「種の起源」と表記される.一般名詞の「キゲン」は漢字では「起源」と表記するからである.ところが,On the Origin of Speciesの日本語訳のタイトルは,「種の起原」と表記されることが多い.「種の起源」のタイトルも散見されるが,ほとんどは「種の起原」が採用されている.ダーウィンの著作の概説書では,出版界の慣例にしたがって「種の起源」と表記されるのがふつうである.その結果,日本では「種の起原」と「種の起源」が混在することとなった.概説書と訳書の事例を整理して,出版界の実情を報告する.
キーワード:On the Origin of Species,種の起原,種の起源
p. 1-11
ジオ鉄の取組み -4年目を迎えて(2009-2012年の活動記録)
Geo-Tetsu project: dissemination activities of geoscience for four years (2009-2012)
要旨:鉄道を利用しながら沿線に広がる地質・地形を楽しむ気軽な旅を通して,自然科学に興味をもってもらいたいという願いのもと誕生した「ジオ鉄」(加藤ほか, 2009).公益財団法人深田地質研究所の普及事業の一環として継続されているジオ鉄の取組は,車窓から大地の物語を読み解く新しい鉄道旅行のスタイルとして注目を集めている.本稿では,ジオ鉄の初期の活動から現在まで,活動記録(2009年5月~2012年11月)を纏めて紹介する.
Abstract: Geo-Tetsu (Kato et al., 2009) could make people’s eyes direct to geosciences, and offer the opportunities to get contact with geoscience in travelling by trains. The project has been continued as a part of dissemination activities of Fukada Geological Institute since 2009, and has been attracted attention as a new style of the geo-tour by trains. The contents of the Geo-Tetsu activities (May, 2009 – November, 2012) are completed in this report.
Keywords: Geo-Tetsu, dissemination activities of geoscience, geo-tour, train
2011 Thailand floods in Ayutthaya historical site and survey measurement of stupas
FUJII Yukiyasu
Abstract: Historic city of Ayutthaya, which is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Thailand, had been suffered from the big flood during October to December, 2011. It is located in the valley of the Chao Phraya River, and had been developed as a port city surrounded by rivers during about 400 years. The rivers might have caused floods many times during its prosperous years. Investigations of the flood disaster had been conducted in January and July, 2012. There are many traces of the flood levels in that area. However some important monuments are located on relatively high ground levels. Therefore many of them have not been suffered from the flood. A few stupas, which had been suffered from the flood, were documented by photogrammetry and survey measurement with Total Station.
Keywords: Ayutthaya historical site, 2011 Thailand flood, stupa, measurement survey, photogrammetry
The late Dr Shingo Yehara’s Collection from the Miyako Group, at the Tenri High School of the Nara Prefecture, Japan (Lower Cretaceous ammonites from the Miyako Group, part 10)
OBATA Ikuwo and MATSUKAWA Masaki
Abstract: The late Dr Shingo Yehara’s Collection of fossils from various localities of Japan, excluding those of the described types, are now preserved in the Tenri High School, Nara Prefecture. Among them we have checked, remarked and photographed most of the ammonoids from the Miyako Group: desmoceratid, puzosiid, silesitid, douvilleiceratids, deshayesitids. Hypacanthoplites aff. crassus and Parahoplites aff. vectensis are herein described.
Keywords: Hypacnthoplites, Parahoplites, Aptian, Albian, ammonoid, northeast Japan
The geological and petrological studies of the subduction boundaries and suggestion for the future work – How to avoid ultra-mega-earthquakes –
ISHII Teruaki

Abstract: The Philippine Sea plate is surrounded by several subduction boundaries, which are subducted and subducting boundaries in the southern & eastern margins and northern & western margins, respectively. I have been working to establish the geological cross section of the Southern Mariana trench inner wall area. I hope that those basic data from the southern end can contribute to consider the physical plate model in the northern end of the plate at Nankai trough. If subducting slave contacts with the mantle peridotite of subducted slave, slippery serpentinite layer can be deposited easily under hydrous environment like subduction boundaries. On the other hand, those geological evidences give us some ideas about how to avoid ultra-mega-earthquakes in the Japanese Islands.
Keywords: Philippine Sea plate, Izu-Ogasawara-Mariana trench, geological cross section, Mohorovicic’s discontinuity, mantle peridotite, subduction boundary, ultra-mega-earthquake, serpentine mud.
花崗岩地域の地すべり・地すべり地形 —その2 北アルプス黒部川上流立山地域
Landslides and landslide topography in granitic rock areas —Part 2: Tateyama area around the upper reaches of the Kurobe-gawa in northern alpine region, central Japan
大八木規夫・清水文健・井口 隆・内山庄一郎・土志田正二
OYAGI Norio, SHIMIZU Fumitake, INOKUCHI Takashi, UCHIYAMA Shoichiro and DOSHIDA Shoji
要旨:黒部川上流の立山地域に分布する貫入定置の時代の異なる5種類の花崗岩体について地すべり地形の特徴を空中写真判読により調べた.これら岩体に見られる地すべり地形は大部分が初期的変形地形かその一部の崩落跡斜面である.地すべり地形は,花崗岩の定置時代には関係なく,この地域に発達している割れ目系に関連して発生し,とくに糸魚川静岡構造線に近い鮮新世(または更新世)の黒部川花崗岩体に最も多く認められる.主尾根から枝尾根には小崖地形が多く形成されており,また,斜面には丸みをもった凸型地形が多い.これらは主に6方向に走る割れ目系によって角柱状微分化岩体の前傾変形,および,山側岩体の回転性変位などによる沈下との組み合わせによって運動・変形した初期的変形地形である.これらの割れ目系の走向はNE-SW, NW-SE, NNE-SSW, WNW-ESE, NNW-SSE, およびENE-WSWである.また,しばしば凸型斜面を示す初期的変形地形の究極的変動が崩壊であることが最新の空中写真に写っていた新規の崩壊斜面によって実証された.

Abstract: Interpretation on landslide topography has been tried through air-photographs for granitic rock bodies of different ages of intrusion settlement in Tateyama area of the upper reaches of Kurobe-gawa, northern alpine region, central Japan. Many of those landslides are initial stage of slope deformation and small partial falls of those slopes. Those slope deformations are not related on the settlement ages of the granites but fracture systems formed in those granitic rocks. Occurrence of those slopes is the most frequent in Kurobe-gawa granite body of Pliocene or Pleistocene in settlement age. Up-facing low cliffs and linear depression areas are often observed along main and branch ridges. Convex partial slopes with somewhat round shaped are also found on the wide and long slopes. Those cliffs and the convex partial slopes are developed through the combination of the differential movement and deformation of segmented small pillar rock bodies separated by the fracture systems and the subsidence mainly due to rotational displacement of upper-slope rock bodies. The fracture systems show mainly six different strikes of NE-SW, NW-SE, NNE-SSW, WNW-ESE, NNW-SSE and ENE-WSW with high angle (nearly vertical) dips. It is proofed that the convex slope at the initial stage of slope deformation (ISSD) is finally a fall or slide at the catastrophic deformation stage through interpretation on the latest air-photographs.
Keywords: granitic rocks, landslide topography, initial stage of slope deformation, convex slope, fracture systems, site prediction
Human damage caused by Typhoon Talas in 2011 in the Kii Peninsula, Japan
Abstract: Situations of occurrence of human damage caused by Typhoon Talas in 2011 in the Kii Peninsula, where is the main affected area of the typhoon disaster were summarized. 72 people were killed and 16 people were missing by the typhoon in the peninsula. 56 people (63%) were killed or missing by sediment disaster, 13 people (15%) were by flood disaster, 8 people (9%) were by other reasons. Main factors of death or missing of 11 people (15%) were unknown. In sediment disaster, human damages were from debris flows, landslides, and unexpected multiple disasters of landslides and flooding. For example, landslide debris rushed into swollen stream and caused high wave, and houses were washed away by the high wave. Such multiple disasters have not been assumed sufficiently, and they are one of future problems for preventing heavy rainfall disaster in the peninsula.
Keywords: Typhoon Talas in 2011, Kii Peninsula, human damage, landslide disaster, flood disaster
Some varieties in results of sandpile experiments
Abstract: In order to obtain some hints for the underlying mechanism of varieties in earthquake occurrence, a series of sandpile experiments have been performed. In the experiments even if made under the same condition, it is almost impossible to expect the perfect reproducibility, that is to say, the results vary from experiment to experiment, although they have, of course, common features in a statistical sense. In this report, we first describe the apparatus and the experimental methods in detail and then focus rather on the varieties of the experimental results, considering what brings the varieties into the experimental results. Then we found, for example, that the height of drop point of sand affects the maximum weight of a sandpile. As a new trial, we also made sandpiles on regular polygons (not on circular disks) and observed consecutions of avalanches at multi-parts of slopes, resulting in a large avalanche.
Keywords: earthquake, sandpile experiment, magnitude-frequency distribution, consecution
Study on rock physical interpretation of geophysical data for geotechnical applications (Part VI) – Rock physics modeling of cracked rocks –
高橋 亨・田中莊一
Abstract: The Kuster-Toksoz model as a rock physics model is applied to the seismic velocity data obtained in well loggings and laboratory tests to model cracked rocks. In this study, this model is applied to well logging velocity and density data obtained in a granitic rock to estimate the aspect ratio of the crack in the rock. It is also demonstrated that this model can be used for quantitative interpretation of seismic velocity reduction due probably to excavation damage of a tunnel, which has been recognized in many surveys in the past.
Keywords: rock physics, geophysics, cracked rock, Kuster-Toksoz model
岩盤構造物の性能評価における課題について - 不連続性岩盤における応力‐水連成挙動について -
On the Performance Evaluation of Tunnel and Underground Cavern
Abstract: For the design of underground structures, a continuum analysis considering the nonlinearity of rock mass is usually used. On the other hand, discontinuities of hard rock, ranging from mm to m in scale, are governing the mechanical and the hydraulic properties. Therefore, the performance estimated by the continuum analysis might be different from that by discontinuity analysis. So, for the underground structures which are expected to have a hydraulic performance not only a mechanical performance, it is important to examine the stress-fluid coupled behavior considering discontinuities. Here previous studies about stress-fluid coupled analysis are surveyed and problems to be solved are discussed.
Keywords: hard rock, coupling behavior, tunnel, underground cavern, high level radioactive waste disposal