
10th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG(9/26学会発表 )


    cf. 10th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG (Englishサイト ・日本語サイト

★ポスターセッションコアタイム:9/26 (土) 12:50~14:15  ★会場: 京都大学宇治キャンパス(黄檗プラザ2F)

Poster Session Program, Sep.26 12:50~14:15 (2nd. Floor , Obaku plaza, at Uji Campus of Kyoto University)

 ■ Tp3-P16  : Hironori KATO, Masayo FUJITA, Shunji YOKOYAMA, Shoji UENO, Tadashi YASUDA, Keisuke IMAO, and Yasumasa SUGA (2015) Invitation to the Geo-Tetsu Tour by Train Trips, Visiting of the Railway Route for Geohazard: A Case Study of the JR Dosan Line in Shikoku, Southwest Japan